Co to jest czołg?

Czołg to opancerzony pojazd bojowy przeznaczony jako główna broń ofensywna w walce naziemnej na pierwszej linii frontu. Projekty czołgów to połączenie ciężkiej siły ognia, mocnego pancerza i dobrej mobilności na polu bitwy (zapewnianej przez gąsienice i potężny silnik); zazwyczaj ich główne uzbrojenie jest montowane w wieży.

Historia czołgu zaczyna się wraz z I wojną światową, kiedy to w odpowiedzi na problemy wojny w okopach wprowadzono opancerzone wozy terenowe, zapoczątkowując nową erę zmechanizowanych działań wojennych. Choć początkowo surowe i zawodne, czołgi ostatecznie stały się ostoją armii naziemnych.

Tank warfare

Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione.

On the ground, the face of battle was changed by the introduction of the tank and its antidotes. The tank was invented by the British in 1915 as an armoured caterpillar-tracked machine designed to cross the mud and trenches of a World War I battlefield. The tank was later developed into a war-winning weapon by the Germans, who recognized its potential to break through enemy lines and produce rear-area paralysis. Blitzkrieg (“lightning war”), dependent on a mixture of mobility and air support, was effective in the early years of World War II, but was slowly countered by new technology. Tanks proved vulnerable to other tanks, especially those armed with bigger guns and special anti- tank shells. Infantry soldiers were also equipped to deal with the threat, using spring-loaded weapons such as the British PIAT (“projectile, infantry, anti-tank”) or the German Panzerfaust.

  1. _____________ soldiers marching or fighting on foot; foot soldiers collectively.
  2. _____________ the back part of something
  3. _____________ the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury.
  4. _____________ A continuous track in the form of a steel or rubber belt fitted instead of wheels to crawlers, bulldozers, excavators, loaders, backhoes, tanks and similar off-road vehicles.
  5. _____________a long, narrow ditch.
  6. _____________ a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.

Przeczytaj pytania i spróbuj odgadnąć odpowiedzi:

What can stop a tank?
“You could use a high explosive squash head, which flattens out like a pancake when it hits. It then detonates and sends a shock wave through the armour which causes the inside to ‘scab’ and fly about inside.” A recoilless rifle or anti-tank guided missile might also do the trick.
How do you start a military tank?

Turn ignition switch on and press starting switch. Be sure choke lever is pushed forward to point where engine operates smoothly. Do not user starter to more than 30 seconds with allowing it to cool off for 15 seconds. Engine should start.

Why are nuclear tanks not used?

This is a design for a nuclear powered tank. But guess what, the United States decided that turning the battlefield into a nuclear wasteland every time they had a tank battle wasn’t a good idea, so the project was cancelled.

What else you say.

Tanks are smaller than warships, so generally the military keep coming up with new designs, so a tank might be the “Best” for only 5 years. Now a nuclear reactor can run on for a long time, so you would waste a bunch of money on a weapon that towards its end of life would have no role on the battlefield except for being a suicide bomb because it is way too outgunned by the enemy.

How are Chinese tanks as compared to the US, Russian and EU tanks?

Chinese tank is the best tank in the world. Period. Chinese have stolen both Russian and US technology and did a lot improvement. Frankly it is hard not to come up with the best tank in the world in the end. It is the fastest at 50 mph, vs American tank 42 mph and Russian tank 45 mph. It has longer range than both US and Russian tanks.

If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.

Heinz Guderian

a German general during World War II who, after the war, became a successful memoirist. An early pioneer and advocate of the "blitzkrieg" approach, he played a central role in the development of the panzer division concept. In 1936, he became the Inspector of Motorized Troops.