Free Zoom conversations with Kapitan English

Number of people in 1 class: unlimited
Number of people in the Zoom Breakout Room: 2 (calls are in pairs)
Conversation frequency: 1 x weekly
Duration: 40 minutes
Platform: Free Zoom app
Participant’s starting level: B1
Meeting topics: General/Business English
When: Every Monday 8.10pm (Polish Time Zone)
Price: free

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Timetable and Topic Questions: Click here

Register: Click here to register


When are the meetings?

Poland 21.00 PM

If you are from different time zone:

Bangladesh 01:00 AM

Maroco 20:00 PM

Tbilisi 23:00 PM

Mexico 13:00 PM

Philipinies 03:00 AM

Kenya 23:00 PM

Japan 04:00 AM

Brasil 16:00 PM

Algeria 18.00pm

Scotland 20.00 PM

If you are different time zone please calculate the difference yourself and let me know the time so I can include it on a list. Poland is one of the countries that use Central European Time (GMT + 01:00).

This may help:

What are my Zoom login details?


ID: 810 3255 1601
password: g6iMfN

Are the meetings recorded/streamed?

Yes, but only 5-10% of the meeting, which is 5-8 minutes at the begining of the group chat (“warming up”) are recorded and put on my social media (FB, YT etc.) I record the beginning of the lesson for new people to know what to expect.

Your private conversations in the Breakout Rooms (90-95% of the whole meeting) are currently NOT being recorded or streamed.

If you do not want to be recorded just simply turn your camera and microphone off. If you are still not OK with the idea of recording, please do not participate in the Club.

How do I log in to Zoom?

We log in as follows

English level + name + country of origin

A1 Kasia Poland, B2 Ahmed Pakistan

Please do not be late, and if you are late, you will have to wait for a new topic to start, so you will be in the waiting room for a while.

We are kind to each other. We do not criticize and we do not correct ourselves (unless explicitly requested).

Who will assess my speaking level?

Me or any professional teacher. I have to know your speaking level. Without your level of English assessed by me/or another professional teacher of your level, do not log in to the lesson, because I will not know which person to join you with.

Before we start, you should record yourself in a private message (audio/video) on messener/facebook.

The voice message should last MINIMUM one minute. Answer the question “What do you do?”, “What is your hobby”, etc etc. Alternatively, you can record a one-minute whatsapp message or call me. I will assign students to the appropriate conversation group based on this statement. Also remember that we log in using your level: English level + name +country. So, for example: A1 Kasia Poland

How to prepare for the lesson?

Whenever possible, I always try to assign homework to be done by myself before the lesson.

These are:

Watching a YouTube video/reading an article (always). You’ve watched the video/read the article, now prepare your presentation. We will talk about this in the next lesson. I hope you took notes while watching the film, paused the film and briefly wrote down interesting/important information. Do not write whole sentences, use short thoughts in points. Be prepared to talk about it in pairs. Be prepared to ask questions, discuss, share your thoughts.
Performing lexical exercises. I send .pdf materials before the lesson, self-study with a key (optional).

How do I sign up for a meeting?

If you want to receive notifications about lesson dates, it is worth subscribing to e-mail notifications, but there is no such requirement. No need to sign up. Just show up on time. Just join a meeting on Zoom without signing up first.

What are the classes like?

We only work with the conversational method. We meet online once a week on the Zoom platform. We spend 100% of our time on conversations, we do not do any grammar exercises. During the 60-minute meeting, you talk in pairs with other students. The voice-over listens, sometimes he will interject something – he acts as a moderator. But that’s just the beginning…

You always get homework. “Homework” in the form of articles or videos (to watch and prepare for the conversation before the lesson) will be sent to an e-mail in the form of a PDF / or link, or shared on the Facebook group. During our hour-long consultations, we talk about what interested us in the sent material. In addition, we use conversation cards and specially prepared graphic files with sets of questions, thanks to which you do not have to worry that you will run out of topics to talk about. To diversify the classes, we introduce games and activities from time to time.

Who is this course for?

This classess are designed for motivated students who are determined to take the time to do the exercises I send.

Is there a limited number of participants

No. There are no limits to the number of participants, because you will work in pairs anyway.



What will you gain?

Above all, you will achieve freedom and fluency when you speak. No fear of rated, friendly, full environmental support. I hope you’ll meet cool people along the way and have fun in their looks. Surely you can “somehow” communicate, now you just need more practice. We do not solve exercises from textbooks, we do not learn grammar. The goal is fluency in communication on all topics. Activate your conversational skills and use your linguistic potential now!

I've never used ZOOM...I need help

I seem to be struggling to understand what to do before the meeting and how to join in.  Also your previous message gives a direct link to the videacall, so it seems like I don’t need to do anything really, just kick on the link. But the website tells me to log in to ZOOM using the given number and password. Then ZOOM is asking me for some code 🤷‍♀️. Also where do I put my name+counrty+my level of English?

Yes, I know. The link on the top takes me straight to the meeting. So why do I need all the other stuff like the meeting ID and password and where do I put my English level and name?

Yes, but it’s taking me straight there and it’s not asking me for any ID or Password. Is just this and that’s it. So at what pont do I even need the ID or password and also at what point and where do I give the information about my English level, name and country of origin?

Why I cannot join a breakout rooms session?

Participants who need to join the breakout room session must have the Zoom installed. Please download the desktop client or mobile app according to your device.

Świetna nauczycielka angielskiego! Luźna atmosfera podczas zajęć i rozmowy na każdy temat, moim zdaniem najlepszy sposób na naukę tego języka:)
bardzo polecam!!!



Agnes to moja trzecia nauczycielka angielskiego i w porównaniu z poprzednimi, zaczynam mówić 🙂 , a o to mi chodziło no i na szczęście nie zajmujemy się tylko kolejnym, nudnym przerabianiem podręcznika…


Pracownik korporacji

pełen profesjonalizm indywidualne podejście z dopasowaniem poziomu nauki do ucznia .Widać pasje a nie pracę w nauczaniu prowadzącej .


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