Meeting coordinator: Agni Kliczka
Business Owner
Warming-up question:
Is the glass half empty or half full?
Zoom breakout rooms questions:
- Is your glass half empty or half full?
- What is the best answer for the glass philosophy, half full or half empty?
- What is the great example of half glass empty or half glass full?
- How are optimistic people different from pessimistic people?
- Why do pessimists call themselves realists?
- Do you believe a pessimist can learn to become an optimist? How?
- You apply for your “dream job,” but you don’t get it. You think…
- When you are introduced to someone new, you…
- If someone unexpectedly knocks on your door, you think…
- Your boss invites you to have lunch in a restaurant. You say to yourself…
- News about crime or disasters makes you…
- Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?
- Do you find it easy to be positive?
- Are you always looking on the bright side of every situation?
- Do you often expect things to go well?
- Do you consider yourself to have a balanced approach to life?
- Do you make decisions based on facts?
- Do you tend to see the positive and negative aspects of every situation?
- Do you expect things can either go wrong or go well depending on the situation?
- Do you often feel down or negative?
- Do you find it difficult to be happy?
- Are you always looking for the downside of every situation?
- Do you often expect things to go wrong?