by | Oct 4, 2023 | Bezpłatne konwersacje Speaking Club
Warming-up question:
What’s the real situation of gay people in your country?
Why is it important to (not) support LGBT rights?
Zoom breakout rooms questions:
- Why does homosexuality still provoke radical opinions even though it has been with us since ancient times?
- Homosexuality was acceptable in Ancient Greece, why is it frowned upon today?
- What Causes Homosexuality?
- What do you understand by the term ‘gay rights’?
- Are there gay rights movements in your country?
- Do you think ‘gay rights’ refers more to men or women?
- Was homosexuality accepted in ancient Rome?
- What do you think is the number one issue for gay rights groups?
- Do you think the term ‘LGBT rights’ (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) is a better description?
- What do you think about LGBTQ+ people?
- What is the Muslim perspective on LGBT rights?
- Is supporting gay rights considered political?
- What is the history of the gay rights movement in the West?
- What’s the real situation of gay people in your country?
- How can it be a sin if someone is born with homosexual desires?
- Do you think there will be a backlash against gay rights
- Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals?
- What if…Dad Accidentally Discovers His Teenage Son Is Gay…
- Do people freely talk about gay rights in your country without feeling afraid?
- Are there laws in your country that discriminate against LGBT people?
- Isn’t the (catholic) church supposed to be a place for broken people?
- Do you think gay people should be able to hold high positions in religions?
- What issues that gays have to deal with are different from those lesbians have to deal with?
- What do you think of same-sex relations and the raising of children?
- Is marriage a relationship between only a man and a woman?
- Do you think the issue of gay rights will disappear in the next few decades?
- Which nationalities do you think are most homophobic?
In English, to ‘come out of the closet’ means to let people know you are gay. What do you say in your language for this?
- Is or was homosexuality a taboo subject in your country?
- What does the leader of your country say about gay rights?
- Why do you think some people are afraid of gay people?
- Was homosexuality accepted in ancient India?
- What jobs do you think discriminate most against gays?
- What law about gay rights would you like your government to pass?
- Is “Gay Paris” Really That Gay?
- How the ancient Greeks viewed pederasty and homosexuality?
by | Oct 2, 2023 | Bezpłatne konwersacje Speaking Club
Warming-up question:
Why do pharma companies have a bad reputation?
Zoom breakout rooms questions:
- Why are big pharma companies getting too greedy?
- Why is pharma unethical?
- Who makes money from Big Pharma?
- What is the biggest scandal in the pharmaceutical industry?
- Was AIDS created by the US government to control and/or wipe out gays and African Americans?
- Is it true that pharmaceutical industry has a cure for cancer, but suppresses it so that they can continue to make billions on the “ineffective” treatments currently given to cancer patients?
- Do vaccines make people autistic?
- What are the Movies about big pharma corruption?
- Has Big Pharma caused more damage to society than Big Tobacco ever has?
- Why do people hate/blame the pharmaceutical industry?
- Why do some people demonize pharma companies?
- Why do people not trust the pharmaceutical industry?
- Is big pharma a real thing?
- Is Big Pharma focused on making money or on improving people’s health?Why would big pharma ever release a cure for cancer if treatment is more profitable?
- Do big pharma companies have an incentive for diseases to *not* be cured? And does this incentive actually affect what they do?
- Some Think Big Pharma Is Suppressing A Cure For Cancer. True or false?
by | Sep 26, 2023 | Bezpłatne konwersacje Speaking Club
Warming-up question:
Is the glass half empty or half full?
Zoom breakout rooms questions:
- Is your glass half empty or half full?
- What is the best answer for the glass philosophy, half full or half empty?
- What is the great example of half glass empty or half glass full?
- How are optimistic people different from pessimistic people?
- Why do pessimists call themselves realists?
- Do you believe a pessimist can learn to become an optimist? How?
- You apply for your “dream job,” but you don’t get it. You think…
- When you are introduced to someone new, you…
- If someone unexpectedly knocks on your door, you think…
- Your boss invites you to have lunch in a restaurant. You say to yourself…
- News about crime or disasters makes you…
- Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?
- Do you find it easy to be positive?
- Are you always looking on the bright side of every situation?
- Do you often expect things to go well?
- Do you consider yourself to have a balanced approach to life?
- Do you make decisions based on facts?
- Do you tend to see the positive and negative aspects of every situation?
- Do you expect things can either go wrong or go well depending on the situation?
- Do you often feel down or negative?
- Do you find it difficult to be happy?
- Are you always looking for the downside of every situation?
- Do you often expect things to go wrong?
by | Sep 13, 2023 | Bezpłatne konwersacje Speaking Club