Lekcja #43 dialog between a bus passenger and the bus conductor

Lekcja #43 dialog between a bus passenger and the bus conductor

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– Excuse me, does this bus go to Times Square?

– Yes, this bus goes to Times Square. Hop on!

-Great, how much is the fare?

– It’s $2.75 for a single ride. You can pay with exact change or use a MetroCard.

-I have a MetroCard. Here you go.

– Thank you. Make sure to swipe it when you board.

-Will do. What time does the bus leave?

– We’re scheduled to leave in 5 minutes.

-Thanks. Are there any stops near Central Park?

– Yes, we have a stop right by Central Park on 5th Avenue.

-Perfect, thank you!

– You’re welcome! Enjoy your ride and have a great day!


-Good afternoon, I’d like to purchase a round-trip ticket to Manchester, please.

– Good afternoon, certainly. A round-trip ticket to Manchester would cost £25.50. Would you prefer a window or aisle seat?

-I’d prefer an aisle seat, if possible.

– Of course, I’ve reserved seat 12A for you. Here’s your ticket. Please ensure you validate it upon boarding and keep it handy for inspection.

-Thank you. Could you also inform me of the departure and arrival times?

– Certainly. The bus departs at 2:30 PM from Gate 7 and is scheduled to arrive in Manchester at approximately 5:45 PM, barring any unforeseen delays.

-Excellent. Is there a restroom on board the bus?

– Yes, there is a lavatory located at the rear of the bus for passengers’ convenience.

-Great, thank you for the information. Are there any complimentary amenities provided during the journey, such as Wi-Fi or refreshments?

– I’m afraid we do not offer Wi-Fi, but there will be a complimentary selection of beverages and snacks available for passengers during the journey.

-That’s satisfactory, thank you. Lastly, is there a designated area for luggage storage?

– Yes, there is an overhead compartment for smaller bags and a larger storage area beneath the bus for larger luggage. Please ensure all items are securely stowed.

-Understood, I’ll make sure of it. Thank you for your assistance.

– You’re welcome. Should you require any further assistance or have any inquiries during the journey, please don’t hesitate to approach me. Enjoy your journey with us.

-I appreciate your assistance. I look forward to a comfortable journey.


– Good afternoon, driver. Could you please inform me of the next scheduled stop?

– Certainly, sir/madam. The upcoming stop is Grand Central Station, followed by Union Square in approximately 10 minutes.

– Excellent. I presume the bus operates on a punctual timetable?

– Absolutely, our services are meticulously timed to adhere to the official schedule. We pride ourselves on our reliability and efficiency.

– That’s commendable. I’ve had experiences with other transit systems where punctuality was a major issue.

– I understand, reliability is paramount for our passengers. May I inquire if you are familiar with the fare structure?

– Yes, I’m aware. I possess a monthly pass. However, I appreciate your diligence in confirming.

– Thank you for your understanding. Please proceed to your seat, and I will announce the approaching stations in due course.

– Much appreciated. I must say, your professionalism is quite refreshing.

– Thank you, sir/madam. It’s my duty to ensure a pleasant and efficient journey for all passengers.


Key vocabulary:

Bus driver: A person who drives a bus to transport passengers from one location to another.

Bus route: The specific path or course that a bus follows to reach its destination, including designated stops.

Public transportation: Systems and services that provide transportation for the public, such as buses, trains, and subways.

Ticket fare: The amount of money a passenger pays for a bus ticket to travel on a specific route.

Traffic regulations: Rules and laws governing the operation of vehicles, including buses, on roads to ensure safety and efficiency.

Bus schedule: A timetable that specifies the departure and arrival times of buses at various stops along a route.

Bus depot: A facility where buses are housed, parked, maintained, and dispatched for service.

Commute: The regular journey that a person makes between their home and place of work or study, often using public transportation like buses.

Lekcja #42 In My Life The Beatles 1965

Lekcja #42 In My Life The Beatles 1965

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Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

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Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

There are places I’ll ____________
All my life,___________ some have _____________.
Some __________, not for better;
Some have gone and some ___________________.

All these places had their _____________________
With lovers and __________ I still can ___________.
Some are _______________ and some are living,
In my life I’ve loved ____________________ all.

But of all these friends and ________________
There is no one _________________ with you.
And these __________________ lose their meaning
When I think of love as something _____________.

Tho’ I know I’ll never lose ___________________
For people and things that went _____________,
I know I’ll often ____________ and think about them,
In my life I love you ______________________.

Tho’ I know I’ll ___________________ lose affection
For ____________ and things that went __________,
I know I’ll often __________ and think about them,
In my life I love you ________________.

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

remember, recall, dead, mem’ries, affection (2x), friends, forever, though, moments, stop (2x), before (2x), compares, remain, them, more (2x), lovers, new, never, people, changed,

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

  1. __________________ estimate, measure, or note the similarityor dissimilarity
  2. ________________ continue to exist, especially after other similar people or things have ceasedto do so.
  3. _______________________ non-standardspelling of though(conjunction).
  4. ________________ a very brief period of time.
  5. ________________ despite the fact that; although.
  6. ______________ the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers

Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.


Formularz do korekt faktur

Formularz służy do korekt faktur planowanych do wystawienia (z uwagi na mniejszą niż deklarowana ilość lekcji)  i już wystawionych (w przypadku gdy FV została błędnie wystawiona). Nie przyjmujemy zgłoszeń korekt fv sms`em.

Aby poprawnie wysłać formularz należy na dole strony rozwiązać proste zadanie matematyczne. Jeśli wiadomość zostanie poprawnie wysłana pojawi się komunikat ” Dziękujemy za…”.

Legenda i uwagi:

  1. Proszę podać swoje imię, nazwisko lub nazwę firmy (pole obowiązkowe)
  2. Proszę podać nr tylko FV właściwej (pole obowiązkowe), proszę nie podwać numeru pro-formy
  3. Proszę zaznaczyć w jakiej sprawie się Państwo kontaktują.
  4. Proszę nie pisać: “proszę odliczyć jedną lekcję”, “proszę odjąć 80zł” tylko podać właściwą KWOTĘ jaka ma widnieć na poprawionej fakturze (pole obowiązkowe)
  5. Jakiego miesiąca dotyczy sprawa?
  6. w uzasadnieniu (pole opcjonalne) proszę o krótką kalkulację

3. Temat:

5. Dotyczy miesiąca:

5 + 11 =

Why is it important to (not) support LGBT rights?

Why is it important to (not) support LGBT rights?

Meeting coordinator: Agni Kliczka

Meeting coordinator: Agni Kliczka

Business Owner









Warming-up question:

What’s the real situation of gay people in your country?

Why is it important to (not) support LGBT rights?

Zoom breakout rooms questions:

  1. Why does homosexuality still provoke radical opinions even though it has been with us since ancient times?
  2. Homosexuality was acceptable in Ancient Greece, why is it frowned upon today?
  3. What Causes Homosexuality?
  4. What do you understand by the term ‘gay rights’?
  5. Are there gay rights movements in your country?
  6. Do you think ‘gay rights’ refers more to men or women?
  7. Was homosexuality accepted in ancient Rome?
  8. What do you think is the number one issue for gay rights groups?
  9. Do you think the term ‘LGBT rights’ (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) is a better description?
  10. What do you think about LGBTQ+ people?
  11. What is the Muslim perspective on LGBT rights?
  12. Is supporting gay rights considered political?
  13. What is the history of the gay rights movement in the West?
  14. What’s the real situation of gay people in your country?
  15. How can it be a sin if someone is born with homosexual desires?
  16. Do you think there will be a backlash against gay rights
  17. Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals?
  18. What if…Dad Accidentally Discovers His Teenage Son Is Gay…
  19. Do people freely talk about gay rights in your country without feeling afraid?
  20. Are there laws in your country that discriminate against LGBT people?
  21. Isn’t the (catholic) church supposed to be a place for broken people?
  22. Do you think gay people should be able to hold high positions in religions?
  23. What issues that gays have to deal with are different from those lesbians have to deal with?
  24. What do you think of same-sex relations and the raising of children?
  25. Is marriage a relationship between only a man and a woman?
  26. Do you think the issue of gay rights will disappear in the next few decades?
  27. Which nationalities do you think are most homophobic?
    In English, to ‘come out of the closet’ means to let people know you are gay. What do you say in your language for this?
  28. Is or was homosexuality a taboo subject in your country?
  29. What does the leader of your country say about gay rights?
  30. Why do you think some people are afraid of gay people?
  31. Was homosexuality accepted in ancient India?
  32. What jobs do you think discriminate most against gays?
  33. What law about gay rights would you like your government to pass?
  34. Is “Gay Paris” Really That Gay?
  35. How the ancient Greeks viewed pederasty and homosexuality?


Why do pharma companies have a bad reputation? 9/10/2023

Why do pharma companies have a bad reputation? 9/10/2023

Meeting coordinator: Agni Kliczka

Meeting coordinator: Agni Kliczka

Business Owner









Warming-up question:

Why do pharma companies have a bad reputation?

Zoom breakout rooms questions:

    1. Why are big pharma companies getting too greedy?
    2. Why is pharma unethical?
    3. Who makes money from Big Pharma?
    4. What is the biggest scandal in the pharmaceutical industry?
    5. Was AIDS created by the US government to control and/or wipe out gays and African Americans?
    6. Is it true that pharmaceutical industry has a cure for cancer, but suppresses it so that they can continue to make billions on the “ineffective” treatments currently given to cancer patients?
    7. Do vaccines make people autistic?
    8. What are the Movies about big pharma corruption?
    9. Has Big Pharma caused more damage to society than Big Tobacco ever has?
    10. Why do people hate/blame the pharmaceutical industry?
    11. Why do some people demonize pharma companies?
    12. Why do people not trust the pharmaceutical industry?
    13. Is big pharma a real thing?
    14. Is Big Pharma focused on making money or on improving people’s health?Why would big pharma ever release a cure for cancer if treatment is more profitable?
    15. Do big pharma companies have an incentive for diseases to *not* be cured? And does this incentive actually affect what they do?
    16. Some Think Big Pharma Is Suppressing A Cure For Cancer. True or false?