Meeting coordinator: Agni Kliczka
Business Owner
Warming-up question:
Why do pharma companies have a bad reputation?
Zoom breakout rooms questions:
- Why are big pharma companies getting too greedy?
- Why is pharma unethical?
- Who makes money from Big Pharma?
- What is the biggest scandal in the pharmaceutical industry?
- Was AIDS created by the US government to control and/or wipe out gays and African Americans?
- Is it true that pharmaceutical industry has a cure for cancer, but suppresses it so that they can continue to make billions on the “ineffective” treatments currently given to cancer patients?
- Do vaccines make people autistic?
- What are the Movies about big pharma corruption?
- Has Big Pharma caused more damage to society than Big Tobacco ever has?
- Why do people hate/blame the pharmaceutical industry?
- Why do some people demonize pharma companies?
- Why do people not trust the pharmaceutical industry?
- Is big pharma a real thing?
- Is Big Pharma focused on making money or on improving people’s health?Why would big pharma ever release a cure for cancer if treatment is more profitable?
- Do big pharma companies have an incentive for diseases to *not* be cured? And does this incentive actually affect what they do?
- Some Think Big Pharma Is Suppressing A Cure For Cancer. True or false?