Ukraińcy powracający do Ukrainy po zakończeniu wojny

Ukraińcy powracający do Ukrainy po zakończeniu wojny

“Powrót do Ukrainy po wojnie? Obejrzyj lekcję, która pomoże Ci zrozumieć, co naprawdę się dzieje!”

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Właśnie opublikowaliśmy na YouTube najnowszą lekcję angielskiego, w której razem z Kapitanem English, nauczycielem z Piaseczna i Nowej Iwicznej, rozkminiamy temat powrotu Ukraińców do ojczyzny po wojnie. W tej lekcji nie tylko omawiamy tekst anglojęzyczny, ale również tłumaczymy go na polski, analizując plusy i minusy takiej decyzji. Brzmi ciekawie? Zdecydowanie!

Kapitan English zabiera nas na wycieczkę po temacie pełnym trudnych decyzji, emocji, a także wyzwań związanych z odbudową Ukrainy po wojnie. Czy warto wrócić do kraju, który właśnie wychodzi z cienia wojennego kryzysu? Co może przyciągnąć Ukraińców z powrotem do ojczyzny? Jakie są zagrożenia i trudności związane z takim powrotem? Dowiesz się tego w najnowszej lekcji!

W artykule, który analizujemy, mówi się o tym, jak powracający Ukraińcy mogą pomóc w odbudowie kraju, połączyć się z rodziną, ale także o wyzwaniach, takich jak zniszczona infrastruktura, niestabilność gospodarcza i psychologiczne skutki wojny. Mamy też słówka, które mogą przydać się każdemu, kto chce mówić o trudnych tematach po angielsku. Od “infrastructure” po “rebuilding” — mamy to wszystko!

Zachęcamy Cię do obejrzenia tej lekcji, bo oprócz praktycznej nauki języka, dostajesz solidną dawkę wiedzy na temat bieżącej sytuacji na Ukrainie. Idealne dla zaawansowanych uczniów, którzy chcą połączyć naukę języka z głębszym zrozumieniem współczesnych tematów. Dzięki tłumaczeniom i szczegółowym analizom tekstu, rozwiniesz nie tylko słownictwo, ale i umiejętność rozumienia bardziej złożonych tekstów.

A jeśli poczujesz, że chcesz więcej takich lekcji i naprawdę poprawić swój angielski, zapisz się na kurs w Kapitan English! Mamy lekcje online i stacjonarne, a nasze kursy są idealne dla każdego, kto chce nauczyć się angielskiego z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Dołącz do naszej ekipy i zacznij mówić po angielsku jak Kapitan English!

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Lekcja #41 Czołg czyli tank warfare

Lekcja #41 Czołg czyli tank warfare

Co to jest czołg?

Czołg to opancerzony pojazd bojowy przeznaczony jako główna broń ofensywna w walce naziemnej na pierwszej linii frontu. Projekty czołgów to połączenie ciężkiej siły ognia, mocnego pancerza i dobrej mobilności na polu bitwy (zapewnianej przez gąsienice i potężny silnik); zazwyczaj ich główne uzbrojenie jest montowane w wieży.

Historia czołgu zaczyna się wraz z I wojną światową, kiedy to w odpowiedzi na problemy wojny w okopach wprowadzono opancerzone wozy terenowe, zapoczątkowując nową erę zmechanizowanych działań wojennych. Choć początkowo surowe i zawodne, czołgi ostatecznie stały się ostoją armii naziemnych.

Tank warfare

Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione.

On the ground, the face of battle was changed by the introduction of the tank and its antidotes. The tank was invented by the British in 1915 as an armoured caterpillar-tracked machine designed to cross the mud and trenches of a World War I battlefield. The tank was later developed into a war-winning weapon by the Germans, who recognized its potential to break through enemy lines and produce rear-area paralysis. Blitzkrieg (“lightning war”), dependent on a mixture of mobility and air support, was effective in the early years of World War II, but was slowly countered by new technology. Tanks proved vulnerable to other tanks, especially those armed with bigger guns and special anti- tank shells. Infantry soldiers were also equipped to deal with the threat, using spring-loaded weapons such as the British PIAT (“projectile, infantry, anti-tank”) or the German Panzerfaust.

  1. _____________ soldiers marching or fighting on foot; foot soldiers collectively.
  2. _____________ the back part of something
  3. _____________ the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury.
  4. _____________ A continuous track in the form of a steel or rubber belt fitted instead of wheels to crawlers, bulldozers, excavators, loaders, backhoes, tanks and similar off-road vehicles.
  5. _____________a long, narrow ditch.
  6. _____________ a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.

Przeczytaj pytania i spróbuj odgadnąć odpowiedzi:

What can stop a tank?
“You could use a high explosive squash head, which flattens out like a pancake when it hits. It then detonates and sends a shock wave through the armour which causes the inside to ‘scab’ and fly about inside.” A recoilless rifle or anti-tank guided missile might also do the trick.
How do you start a military tank?

Turn ignition switch on and press starting switch. Be sure choke lever is pushed forward to point where engine operates smoothly. Do not user starter to more than 30 seconds with allowing it to cool off for 15 seconds. Engine should start.

Why are nuclear tanks not used?

This is a design for a nuclear powered tank. But guess what, the United States decided that turning the battlefield into a nuclear wasteland every time they had a tank battle wasn’t a good idea, so the project was cancelled.

What else you say.

Tanks are smaller than warships, so generally the military keep coming up with new designs, so a tank might be the “Best” for only 5 years. Now a nuclear reactor can run on for a long time, so you would waste a bunch of money on a weapon that towards its end of life would have no role on the battlefield except for being a suicide bomb because it is way too outgunned by the enemy.

How are Chinese tanks as compared to the US, Russian and EU tanks?

Chinese tank is the best tank in the world. Period. Chinese have stolen both Russian and US technology and did a lot improvement. Frankly it is hard not to come up with the best tank in the world in the end. It is the fastest at 50 mph, vs American tank 42 mph and Russian tank 45 mph. It has longer range than both US and Russian tanks.

If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.

Heinz Guderian

a German general during World War II who, after the war, became a successful memoirist. An early pioneer and advocate of the "blitzkrieg" approach, he played a central role in the development of the panzer division concept. In 1936, he became the Inspector of Motorized Troops.

Lekcja #40 Pierwszy przeszczep serca (1967)

Lekcja #40 Pierwszy przeszczep serca (1967)

Events that changed the world  first heart transplant Cape town, south africa December 3, 1967

Jaki jest najtrudniejszy problem etyczny, jaki stwarza przeszczep serca?

Dylemat etyczny obraca się wokół pytania, czy dawcy rzeczywiście są martwi, gdy zostaną uznani za zmarłych na podstawie kryteriów śmierci sercowo-naczyniowej w celu pobrania narządów. W obecnej epoce z powodu chorób zakaźnych istotne stało się poszerzenie puli narządów dostępnych do przeszczepu, ale sposoby, aby to zrobić, stwarzają wiele dylematów etycznych. Argument deontologiczny sugeruje, że środki do celu powinny być zgodne z powiązaną z nimi moralnością. Prawa i normy przeciwko zabójstwom zabraniają zabójstw dokonywanych w jakimkolwiek celu, w tym zabójstw dokonywanych w celu uzyskania narządów w celu ratowania życia innych. Te prawa i normy mają zastosowanie nawet wtedy, gdy dana osoba jest nieprzytomna, bardzo osłabiona lub bardzo bliska śmierci. Dawcy narządów muszą umrzeć przed pobraniem narządów, a samo pobranie narządów nie powinno prowadzić do śmierć dawcy. Natomiast utylitaryzm koncentruje się na wadze celów (nie dbając o środki).

How do they keep a donor heart alive?
Called “heart in a box” by developers, the TransMedics’ Organ Care System is a sterile box that houses the donor heart and keeps it oxygenated and nourished with continuously circulating blood, fed into the heart through clamped-on tubing. Thus the donor heart keeps pumping while being transported.
Do you have to be alive to be an organ donor?

Do you have to be alive to be an organ donor?
While some organs, such as a single kidney, can be donated while the donor is alive, most organ donations occur after the donor has died. The medical profession considers people whose brains have irreversibly ceased to function to be dead.


Can you give someone your heart if you are alive?
The heart must be donated by someone who is brain-dead but is still on life support. The donor heart must be in normal condition without disease and must be matched as closely as possible to your blood and /or tissue type to reduce the chance that your body will reject it.
Why does the body reject transplants?
This is because the person’s immune system detects that the antigens on the cells of the organ are different or not “matched.” Mismatched organs, or organs that are not matched closely enough, can trigger a blood transfusion reaction or transplant rejection.
How did David Rockefeller get 7 heart transplants at the age of 101?
He had funds to buy anything…..including body parts. I just read an article claiming that China is harvesting body parts from prisoners. What makes folks believe that someone that could buy anything would not use that kind of power to bypass legalities and just buy a heart….or two on the black market?
What are the moral problems posed by organ transplants?
The two major ethical issues that are of considerable concern are the autonomy of the donor and recipient and the utility of the procedure. The transplant team must inform the donor of all the risks. The recipient must also accept that the donor is placing himself at great risk.


Ukraine tops Europe in organ trafficking
The illegal organ trafficking trade is flourishing in Ukraine as the country’s medical infrastructure and legislation make vital transplant organs hard to come by. In many countries such as Russia, doctors are permitted to use the organs of the deceased as long as the person has not written a statement prohibiting it. In Ukraine, a dead person’s organs can only be used with the permission of the relatives. This has resulted in a booming black market in organs.
The case of the missing children
Lost babies and corpses without organs fuel allegations of trafficking in body parts in Ukraine

It’s hard to look at the tiny corpses unearthed from the graveyard near Hospital No. 6. Forensic photographs show bodies apparently mutilated before they were dumped into a mass grave in Kharkiv, a city in eastern Ukraine.

In one photo, a man wearing surgical gloves holds several pieces of flesh, arranging the fragments to resemble what might have been an infant before it was dismembered.

Hospital officials say these gruesome images reveal nothing except the biological waste from dozens of routine abortions. But relatives of women who gave birth at Hospital No. 6 say they are part of growing evidence suggesting something sinister: newborns taken from their mothers, disappearing in a region known for trafficking in harvested organs and human tissue.


Events that changed the world : First heart transplant,

Cape town, South Africa, December 3, 1967

In 1967 an operation was carried out in Cape Town, South Africa, that revolutionized surgery as we knew it, and started the ball rolling on a procedure that would save millions of lives. On December 3, Christiaan Barnard completed the world’s first full heart transplant.

Barnard was a surgeon from Beaufort West, South Africa, who had travelled to the USA as a 31-year-old postgraduate in 1956, specializing in cardiac surgery. He returned to South Africa two years later, to the

Groote Schuur Hospital teaching facility where he began his career with a residency, assembling its first cardiac team.He prepared for the milestone procedure by performing South Africa’s first kidney transplant, in October 1967. He was already seen as one of the country’s top surgeons, and with several completed heart transplants on animals the next step was clear.

The patient was chosen; Louis Washkansky had incurable heart disease and, at 54, was still relatively young. With the end in sight, he had no hesitation in agreeing to the operation. His donor had to come through tragic circumstance, in the form of Denise Darvall, a young woman killed in a road accident.

Barnard’s 30-strong team, including his brother Marius, took five hours to complete the transplant from Darvall to Washkansky, but at its conclusion the heart was beating with no mechanical assistance.

Tragedy struck just 18 days later, however, as Washkansky died from severe pneumonia; his fragile immune system could not resist the infection so soon after the procedure.

Despite this, the transplant was considered a huge success, as Washkansky’s new heart continued to beat unaided right up until his death. Further attempts were longerlasting, with one patient, Dirk van Zyl, living on for 23 years after his 1971 operation, to the age of 68.

Since the first surgery, thousands of people have undergone successful heart transplants, though a lack of donors has kept the number from rising faster. British surgeon Sir Terrence English performed the world’s first heart and lung transplant in 1984.

Zadanie 1. Przeczytaj tekst po lewej.

Wypisz słowa, których nie znasz i sprawdź w słowniku ang-ang.

Zadanie 2. Czy znasz słowa, które są podkreślone w tekście po lewej?

Spróbuj zgadnąć ich znaczenie.

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone).

  1. _____________ a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.
  2. _____________ the branch of medical practice that treats injuries, diseases, and deformities by the physical removal, repair, or readjustment of organs and tissues, often involving cutting into the body.
  3. _____________ relating to the heart.
  4. _____________ lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs or only one.
  5. _____________resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.
  6. _____________ (of a sick person or a disease) not able to be cured.

It is infinitely better to transplant a heart than to bury it to be devoured by worms.

Christiaan Barnard

South African cardiac surgeon

Lekcja #38 back to Angus and those sheep

Lekcja #38 back to Angus and those sheep


Wygraj darmową lekcję angielskiego* z Kapitan English odpowiadając na pytanie (odpowiedź musi być po angielsku):

Co miała na myśli postać grana przez Hugh Grant mówiąc “back to Angus and those sheep”

Zadanie 0. Czy znasz historię opowiedzianą w filmie Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) z Hugh Grant? Jeśli nie to przejdź do strony 16 w poniższym pdf:

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Hugh Grant

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj klipu z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst.

Ladies and _____________, I’m sorry to drag you from your delicious desserts.
There are just one or two little things I feel I should say, as best man. This is only the ____________ time l’ve been a best man. I hope I did OK that time. The couple in question are at least still talking to me. Unfortunately, they’re not actually talking to each other. The ___________came through a couple of months ago. But l’m assured it had absolutely nothing to do with me. Paula knew Piers had slept with her ____________ before I mentioned it in the ___________. The fact that he’d slept with her __________ came as a surprise, but I think was incidental to the ___________ of recrimination and violence that became their two-day marriage.
Anyway, enough of that. My job____________ is to talk about Angus. There are no skeletons in his cupboard. Or so I thought. I’ll come on to that in a minute. I would just like to say this. I am, as ever, in bewildered awe of anyone who makes this kind of _______________ that Angus and Laura have made today. I know I couldn’t do it and I think it’s wonderful they can.
So, back to Angus and those sheep.

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki słowami wypisanymi poniżej:

second, speech, today, gentlemen, nightmare, divorce, mother, sister, commitment, 

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). 

  1. __________________ happening as a minor accompaniment to something else.
  2. __________________ to move something heavy by pulling it along the ground
  3. __________________ behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
  4. __________________ sadly
  5. __________________  an accusation in response to one from someone else.
  6. _________________ the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

Zadanie 4. Glossary czyli ważne słówka kiedy mówimy o ślubach:

  1. drink a toast to sb = raise a glass of wine, etc. to wish sb success or happiness.
  2. choose sth = decide which thing you want. choice N.
  3. Ceremony =  a formal public event.
  4. religious = A religious ceremony takes place in a church, mosque, temple, etc. religion N.
  5. civil = A civil ceremony is a non-religious one.
  6. wedding = a time when a man and woman get married.
  7. rings
  8. wish sb sth = say that you hope good things will happen to sb.
  9. honeymoon = a holiday for a couple who have just got married.
  10. celebrate sth = have a special meal, party, etc. to show you are happy about sth.
  11. anniversary = the date on which sth happened the previous year or in the past.
  12. wedding reception=  a meal and/or party after a wedding
  13. traditional = A traditional thing is sth that people have done for a long time.
  14. make a speech = give a formal talk to a lot of people at a special event.

Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj inne cytaty z filmu:

  1. Charles: Why am I always at, uh, weddings, and never actually getting married, Matt? Matthew: It’s probably ’cause you’re a bit scruffy. Or it could also be ’cause you haven’t met the right girl. Charles: Ah, but you see, is that it? Maybe I have met the right girls. Maybe I meet the right girls all the time. Maybe it’s me.
  2. Charles: Why am I always at, uh, weddings, and never actually getting married, Matt? Matthew: It’s probably ’cause you’re a bit scruffy. Or it could also be ’cause you haven’t met the right girl. Charles: Ah, but you see, is that it? Maybe I have met the right girls. Maybe I meet the right girls all the time. Maybe it’s me.
  3. At Gareth’s funeral:
    Gareth used to prefer funerals to weddings. He said it was easier to get enthusiastic about a ceremony one had an outside chance of eventually being involved in.
    In order to prepare this speech, I rang a few people, to get a general picture of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him. Fat seems to be a word people most connected with him. Terribly rude also rang a lot of bells. So very fat and very rude seems to have been a stranger’s viewpoint.
    On the other hand, some of you have been kind enough to ring me to tell me that you loved him, which I know he’d be thrilled to hear. You remember his fabulous hospitality… his strange experimental cooking. The recipe for “Duck à la Banana” fortunately goes with him to his grave. Most of all, you tell me of his enormous capacity for joy. When joyful, when joyful for highly vocal drunkenness.
    But joyful is how I hope you’ll remember him. Not stuck in a box in a church. Pick your favorite of his waistcoats and remember him that way. The most splendid, replete, big-hearted, weak-hearted as it turned out, and jolly bugger most of us ever met.
    As for me, you may ask how I’ll remember him, what I thought of him. Unfortunately there I run out of words. Perhaps you will forgive me if I turn from my own feelings to the words of another splendid bugger: W.H. Auden. This is actually what I want to say:
    “Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone. Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum, Bring out the coffin… let the mourners come. Let the aeroplanes circle, moaning overhead, Scribbling on the sky the message: He is Dead. Put crepe bows ’round the white necks of the public doves, Let traffic policemen wear black, cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West. My working week and my Sunday rest. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song, I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now, put out every one. Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood, For nothing now can ever come to any good.”

Zadanie 5. A typical British wedding

When two people are planning to get married, they can choose to have a religious ceremony or a civil ceremony. On the wedding day, the groom’ is helped by a best man who brings the rings to the wedding ceremony. The bride may have one or more bridesmaids’. Afterwards, there is a reception for the couple and the wedding guests’. It’s traditional for the best man and the groom to make speeches, and then everyone drinks a toast to the couple, and wishes them a long and happy marriage. After the reception. they usually go on their honeymoon. On the same day every year after that the couple celebrate their wedding anniversary.

*darmowa lekcja to 30min konwersacji w godzinach 9am-3pm