Lekcja #40 Pierwszy przeszczep serca (1967)

Lekcja #40 Pierwszy przeszczep serca (1967)

Events that changed the world  first heart transplant Cape town, south africa December 3, 1967

Jaki jest najtrudniejszy problem etyczny, jaki stwarza przeszczep serca?

Dylemat etyczny obraca się wokół pytania, czy dawcy rzeczywiście są martwi, gdy zostaną uznani za zmarłych na podstawie kryteriów śmierci sercowo-naczyniowej w celu pobrania narządów. W obecnej epoce z powodu chorób zakaźnych istotne stało się poszerzenie puli narządów dostępnych do przeszczepu, ale sposoby, aby to zrobić, stwarzają wiele dylematów etycznych. Argument deontologiczny sugeruje, że środki do celu powinny być zgodne z powiązaną z nimi moralnością. Prawa i normy przeciwko zabójstwom zabraniają zabójstw dokonywanych w jakimkolwiek celu, w tym zabójstw dokonywanych w celu uzyskania narządów w celu ratowania życia innych. Te prawa i normy mają zastosowanie nawet wtedy, gdy dana osoba jest nieprzytomna, bardzo osłabiona lub bardzo bliska śmierci. Dawcy narządów muszą umrzeć przed pobraniem narządów, a samo pobranie narządów nie powinno prowadzić do śmierć dawcy. Natomiast utylitaryzm koncentruje się na wadze celów (nie dbając o środki).

How do they keep a donor heart alive?
Called “heart in a box” by developers, the TransMedics’ Organ Care System is a sterile box that houses the donor heart and keeps it oxygenated and nourished with continuously circulating blood, fed into the heart through clamped-on tubing. Thus the donor heart keeps pumping while being transported.
Do you have to be alive to be an organ donor?

Do you have to be alive to be an organ donor?
While some organs, such as a single kidney, can be donated while the donor is alive, most organ donations occur after the donor has died. The medical profession considers people whose brains have irreversibly ceased to function to be dead.


Can you give someone your heart if you are alive?
The heart must be donated by someone who is brain-dead but is still on life support. The donor heart must be in normal condition without disease and must be matched as closely as possible to your blood and /or tissue type to reduce the chance that your body will reject it.
Why does the body reject transplants?
This is because the person’s immune system detects that the antigens on the cells of the organ are different or not “matched.” Mismatched organs, or organs that are not matched closely enough, can trigger a blood transfusion reaction or transplant rejection.
How did David Rockefeller get 7 heart transplants at the age of 101?
He had funds to buy anything…..including body parts. I just read an article claiming that China is harvesting body parts from prisoners. What makes folks believe that someone that could buy anything would not use that kind of power to bypass legalities and just buy a heart….or two on the black market?
What are the moral problems posed by organ transplants?
The two major ethical issues that are of considerable concern are the autonomy of the donor and recipient and the utility of the procedure. The transplant team must inform the donor of all the risks. The recipient must also accept that the donor is placing himself at great risk.


Ukraine tops Europe in organ trafficking
The illegal organ trafficking trade is flourishing in Ukraine as the country’s medical infrastructure and legislation make vital transplant organs hard to come by. In many countries such as Russia, doctors are permitted to use the organs of the deceased as long as the person has not written a statement prohibiting it. In Ukraine, a dead person’s organs can only be used with the permission of the relatives. This has resulted in a booming black market in organs.
The case of the missing children
Lost babies and corpses without organs fuel allegations of trafficking in body parts in Ukraine

It’s hard to look at the tiny corpses unearthed from the graveyard near Hospital No. 6. Forensic photographs show bodies apparently mutilated before they were dumped into a mass grave in Kharkiv, a city in eastern Ukraine.

In one photo, a man wearing surgical gloves holds several pieces of flesh, arranging the fragments to resemble what might have been an infant before it was dismembered.

Hospital officials say these gruesome images reveal nothing except the biological waste from dozens of routine abortions. But relatives of women who gave birth at Hospital No. 6 say they are part of growing evidence suggesting something sinister: newborns taken from their mothers, disappearing in a region known for trafficking in harvested organs and human tissue.


Events that changed the world : First heart transplant,

Cape town, South Africa, December 3, 1967

In 1967 an operation was carried out in Cape Town, South Africa, that revolutionized surgery as we knew it, and started the ball rolling on a procedure that would save millions of lives. On December 3, Christiaan Barnard completed the world’s first full heart transplant.

Barnard was a surgeon from Beaufort West, South Africa, who had travelled to the USA as a 31-year-old postgraduate in 1956, specializing in cardiac surgery. He returned to South Africa two years later, to the

Groote Schuur Hospital teaching facility where he began his career with a residency, assembling its first cardiac team.He prepared for the milestone procedure by performing South Africa’s first kidney transplant, in October 1967. He was already seen as one of the country’s top surgeons, and with several completed heart transplants on animals the next step was clear.

The patient was chosen; Louis Washkansky had incurable heart disease and, at 54, was still relatively young. With the end in sight, he had no hesitation in agreeing to the operation. His donor had to come through tragic circumstance, in the form of Denise Darvall, a young woman killed in a road accident.

Barnard’s 30-strong team, including his brother Marius, took five hours to complete the transplant from Darvall to Washkansky, but at its conclusion the heart was beating with no mechanical assistance.

Tragedy struck just 18 days later, however, as Washkansky died from severe pneumonia; his fragile immune system could not resist the infection so soon after the procedure.

Despite this, the transplant was considered a huge success, as Washkansky’s new heart continued to beat unaided right up until his death. Further attempts were longerlasting, with one patient, Dirk van Zyl, living on for 23 years after his 1971 operation, to the age of 68.

Since the first surgery, thousands of people have undergone successful heart transplants, though a lack of donors has kept the number from rising faster. British surgeon Sir Terrence English performed the world’s first heart and lung transplant in 1984.

Zadanie 1. Przeczytaj tekst po lewej.

Wypisz słowa, których nie znasz i sprawdź w słowniku ang-ang.

Zadanie 2. Czy znasz słowa, które są podkreślone w tekście po lewej?

Spróbuj zgadnąć ich znaczenie.

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone).

  1. _____________ a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.
  2. _____________ the branch of medical practice that treats injuries, diseases, and deformities by the physical removal, repair, or readjustment of organs and tissues, often involving cutting into the body.
  3. _____________ relating to the heart.
  4. _____________ lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs or only one.
  5. _____________resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.
  6. _____________ (of a sick person or a disease) not able to be cured.

It is infinitely better to transplant a heart than to bury it to be devoured by worms.

Christiaan Barnard

South African cardiac surgeon

Lekcja #39 Marilyn Monroe and Eve Arnold

Lekcja #39 Marilyn Monroe and Eve Arnold

Przyjaźń między modelką a fotografem:

Eve Arnold zaczęła fotografować Marilyn Monroe po tym, jak aktorka zobaczyła zdjęcia Marlene Dietrich w Esquire. Spotkały się na przyjęciu, a Monroe stwierdziła: „Skoro tak świetnie Ci wyszło z Marlene, czy możesz sobie wyobrazić, co mogłabyś osiągnąć ze mną?” Tak rozpoczęła się ich współpraca zawodowa, która po latach przekształciła się we wzajemną przyjaźń. Arnold sfotografowała Monroe sześć razy w ciągu dekady. Najkrótsza sesja trwała dwie godziny, a najdłuższa dwa miesiące, kiedy widywała ją codziennie podczas kręcenia filmu The Misfits.

Aparat uwielbiał Marilyn Monroe, a Marilyn uwielbiała pozować, jak mówi fotograf Eve Arnold. To w jej studio zrobiono zdjęcie po lewej stronie. W Hollywood, gdzie najważniejsza jest kontrola wizerunku gwiazdy, sesja w studiu może być pokazem samym w sobie, wymagająca współpracy wielu asystentów, wizażystów, firm cateringowych.

Przyjaźń Eve Arnold z Marilyn Monroe trwała ponad dekadę i pozwoliła jej na fotografowanie codziennego życia aktorki w sposób, w jaki niewielu innych fotografów potrafiło.

Tylko kilka zdjęć pochodzi z reżyserowanych sesji studyjnych; większość była wykonana na planie filmowym, w kasynach lub po prostu wtedy, gdy Marilyn nie patrzyła. Połączenie reporterskich umiejętności Arnold i wyglądu Monroe tworzy niesamowite zdjęcia.

Ale mimo to na każdym zdjęciu – niezależnie od tego, czy jest w letniej sukience, grając w bilarda w 1960 roku, czy zakładając górę od bikini na Long Island w 1955 roku – Monroe udaje się zachować swoją pozę gwiazdki. Daje to wspaniałe obrazy, ale jaki to musiał być dla niej wysiłek, aby ciągle “grać”.

I pomimo wszystkich prób Arnold, Monroe nigdy tak naprawdę nie zdejmuje “maski” – byłoby prawie ciekawiej zobaczyć ją bez makijażu.

Arnold chciała wyjść poza seksualność Monroe, na której tak koncentrowali się inni fotografowie. Jednak przy tych wszystkich intencjach intymność między fotografem a obiektem sprawia, że zdjęcia i tak, aczkolwiek pozytywnie, emanują zmysłowością.

The camera loved Marilyn Monroe-and Marilyn loved posing, according to veteran celebrity photographer Eve Arnold, in whose studio the picture at right was taken. In Hollywood, where control of the star’s image is all important, a studio session can be a show in itself, requiring technicians, assistants, makeup artists, caterers-not to mention the star’s entourage (Monroe brought a gang of seven friends to lend support at this shoot). Recalling that day in her book Marilyn Monroe: An Appreciation (Knopf; 1987), Arnold tells us that it took three or four hours simply to prepare the star for the camera: because she was to pose in a bikini and a slip, full-body makeup was required, including shading and highlights. “When Marilyn finally emerged from the dressing room, she was sparkling: hair, face, body, fingernails and toenails all newly attended to. Her entourage applauded.” 

Hollywood photographers strive for the same result as veteran TIME cover photographers Gregory Heisler and William Coupon, or legendary portraitists Yousuf Karsh and Arnold Newman: they hope to create an icon, an idealised, almost platonic realisation of the subject’s essence. But the studio environment is inherently limiting. As Arnold notes, “A studio session … provides the greatest chance for control. [But] even though there is total freedom, I still dislike studio photography and the contrived images that usually stem from this genre.” Philippe Halsman, another highly regarded portrait photographer, also chafed at the studio’s formality. He finally came up with the notion of asking his subjects to jump at the end of his sessions, hoping the physical movement would help break down the decorum demanded by the situation. 

Great portraits have their place: our mental image of Winston Churchill is likely to be Karsh’s famous shot of the great man’s glowering, bulldog countenance. Yet we crave informality. We demand the uncontrived. We want to see the powerful and the famous with their guard down. More than idealisation, we want revelation. And that demands access not the illicit access of the paparazzi, whose stolen images leave us feeling complicit in the theft of privacy they require. We want the access achieved by photographers who earn the trust of their subjects and return with images that expose their hidden places: X rays of the soul.

Zadanie 1. Przeczytaj tekst po lewej.

Wypisz słowa, których nie znasz i sprawdź w słowniku ang-ang.

Zadanie 2. Czy znasz słowa, które są podkreślone w tekście po lewej?

Spróbuj zgadnąć ich znaczenie.

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

  1. _____________ make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
  2. _____________ in a permanent, essential, or characteristic way.
  3. _____________ show strong approval of (a person or action); praise.
  4. _____________ a group of people attending or surrounding an important person.
  5. _____________ not appearing artificial.
  6. _____________ (with reference to a part of the body) make or become sore by rubbing against something; become or make annoyed or impatient because of a restriction or inconvenience.
  7. _____________ forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
  8. _____________ behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety.
  9. _____________ deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously; created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic.
  10. _____________ a conception of or belief about something.
  11. _____________ involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong.
  12. _____________ successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.

 If you are careful with people, they will offer you part of themselves. That is the big secret.


Lekcja #38 back to Angus and those sheep

Lekcja #38 back to Angus and those sheep


Wygraj darmową lekcję angielskiego* z Kapitan English odpowiadając na pytanie (odpowiedź musi być po angielsku):

Co miała na myśli postać grana przez Hugh Grant mówiąc “back to Angus and those sheep”

Zadanie 0. Czy znasz historię opowiedzianą w filmie Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) z Hugh Grant? Jeśli nie to przejdź do strony 16 w poniższym pdf:

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Hugh Grant

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj klipu z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst.

Ladies and _____________, I’m sorry to drag you from your delicious desserts.
There are just one or two little things I feel I should say, as best man. This is only the ____________ time l’ve been a best man. I hope I did OK that time. The couple in question are at least still talking to me. Unfortunately, they’re not actually talking to each other. The ___________came through a couple of months ago. But l’m assured it had absolutely nothing to do with me. Paula knew Piers had slept with her ____________ before I mentioned it in the ___________. The fact that he’d slept with her __________ came as a surprise, but I think was incidental to the ___________ of recrimination and violence that became their two-day marriage.
Anyway, enough of that. My job____________ is to talk about Angus. There are no skeletons in his cupboard. Or so I thought. I’ll come on to that in a minute. I would just like to say this. I am, as ever, in bewildered awe of anyone who makes this kind of _______________ that Angus and Laura have made today. I know I couldn’t do it and I think it’s wonderful they can.
So, back to Angus and those sheep.

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki słowami wypisanymi poniżej:

second, speech, today, gentlemen, nightmare, divorce, mother, sister, commitment, 

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). 

  1. __________________ happening as a minor accompaniment to something else.
  2. __________________ to move something heavy by pulling it along the ground
  3. __________________ behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
  4. __________________ sadly
  5. __________________  an accusation in response to one from someone else.
  6. _________________ the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

Zadanie 4. Glossary czyli ważne słówka kiedy mówimy o ślubach:

  1. drink a toast to sb = raise a glass of wine, etc. to wish sb success or happiness.
  2. choose sth = decide which thing you want. choice N.
  3. Ceremony =  a formal public event.
  4. religious = A religious ceremony takes place in a church, mosque, temple, etc. religion N.
  5. civil = A civil ceremony is a non-religious one.
  6. wedding = a time when a man and woman get married.
  7. rings
  8. wish sb sth = say that you hope good things will happen to sb.
  9. honeymoon = a holiday for a couple who have just got married.
  10. celebrate sth = have a special meal, party, etc. to show you are happy about sth.
  11. anniversary = the date on which sth happened the previous year or in the past.
  12. wedding reception=  a meal and/or party after a wedding
  13. traditional = A traditional thing is sth that people have done for a long time.
  14. make a speech = give a formal talk to a lot of people at a special event.

Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj inne cytaty z filmu:

  1. Charles: Why am I always at, uh, weddings, and never actually getting married, Matt? Matthew: It’s probably ’cause you’re a bit scruffy. Or it could also be ’cause you haven’t met the right girl. Charles: Ah, but you see, is that it? Maybe I have met the right girls. Maybe I meet the right girls all the time. Maybe it’s me.
  2. Charles: Why am I always at, uh, weddings, and never actually getting married, Matt? Matthew: It’s probably ’cause you’re a bit scruffy. Or it could also be ’cause you haven’t met the right girl. Charles: Ah, but you see, is that it? Maybe I have met the right girls. Maybe I meet the right girls all the time. Maybe it’s me.
  3. At Gareth’s funeral:
    Gareth used to prefer funerals to weddings. He said it was easier to get enthusiastic about a ceremony one had an outside chance of eventually being involved in.
    In order to prepare this speech, I rang a few people, to get a general picture of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him. Fat seems to be a word people most connected with him. Terribly rude also rang a lot of bells. So very fat and very rude seems to have been a stranger’s viewpoint.
    On the other hand, some of you have been kind enough to ring me to tell me that you loved him, which I know he’d be thrilled to hear. You remember his fabulous hospitality… his strange experimental cooking. The recipe for “Duck à la Banana” fortunately goes with him to his grave. Most of all, you tell me of his enormous capacity for joy. When joyful, when joyful for highly vocal drunkenness.
    But joyful is how I hope you’ll remember him. Not stuck in a box in a church. Pick your favorite of his waistcoats and remember him that way. The most splendid, replete, big-hearted, weak-hearted as it turned out, and jolly bugger most of us ever met.
    As for me, you may ask how I’ll remember him, what I thought of him. Unfortunately there I run out of words. Perhaps you will forgive me if I turn from my own feelings to the words of another splendid bugger: W.H. Auden. This is actually what I want to say:
    “Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone. Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum, Bring out the coffin… let the mourners come. Let the aeroplanes circle, moaning overhead, Scribbling on the sky the message: He is Dead. Put crepe bows ’round the white necks of the public doves, Let traffic policemen wear black, cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West. My working week and my Sunday rest. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song, I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now, put out every one. Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood, For nothing now can ever come to any good.”

Zadanie 5. A typical British wedding

When two people are planning to get married, they can choose to have a religious ceremony or a civil ceremony. On the wedding day, the groom’ is helped by a best man who brings the rings to the wedding ceremony. The bride may have one or more bridesmaids’. Afterwards, there is a reception for the couple and the wedding guests’. It’s traditional for the best man and the groom to make speeches, and then everyone drinks a toast to the couple, and wishes them a long and happy marriage. After the reception. they usually go on their honeymoon. On the same day every year after that the couple celebrate their wedding anniversary.

*darmowa lekcja to 30min konwersacji w godzinach 9am-3pm

Lekcja #37 Jesus He Knows Me – Genesis (1991)

Lekcja #37 Jesus He Knows Me – Genesis (1991)

Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Jesus He Knows Me – Genesis (1991)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

You see the face on the TV ______________
Coming at you every _________________
See that face on the _______________
That _______________ is me

On the ____________of the magazine
There’s no ______________why I’m smiling
You buy a piece of _____________
You buy a piece of me

I’ll get you everything you _____________
I’ll get you everything you________________
Don’t need to believe in hereafter
Just ______________ in me

CHORUS: ‘Cause Jesus he knows me
And he knows I’m _______________
I’ve been talking to Jesus all my___________
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows I’m _______________
And he’s been telling me
Everything is ________________

I believe in the ______________
With my ever loving _____________ beside me
But she don’t know about my _______________
Or the ________________ I met last ________________

Do you believe in ________________
‘Cause that’s what I’m selling
And if you want to get to __________________
I’ll see you right

You won’t even have to ___________your house
Or get outta your _______________
You don’t even have to touch that ________________
‘Cause I’m everywhere


Won’t find me ______________ what I’m ________________
Won’t find me making no ____________________
But I can get you a pocketful of ________________
If you _______________ to be good, try to be nice
God will __________good ____________of you
Just do as I say, don’t do as I do

I’m counting my ___________________,
I’ve found__________________ happiness
‘Cause I’m getting _______________, day by day
You can find me in the ___________  _____________,
Just call my toll _________________ number
You can do it anyway you want
Just do it right away

There’ll be no ______________ in your mind
You’ll believe everything I’m saying
If you want to get closer to him
Get on your ___________________ and start paying

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

doubt, right, preaching, knees, family, wanted, need, believe, life, sacrifice, blessings, practicing, dial, promise, leave, god, take(…)care, wife, night, girlfriend, richer, paradise, true, chair, Sunday, alright, man, cover, billboard, screen, question, heaven, miracles, phone book, free

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

    1. _____________ – the origin or formation of something
    2. _______________- life after death
    3. _______________ – charge, fee, payment, tariff
    4. ______________- to call (a telephone number)
    5._______________- God’s favour and protection
    6.______________- the kingdom of heaven, the promised land; an ideal or idyllic place or state
    7._______________- supernatural phenomenon, mystery, prodigy, sign
    8._________________ – out of

    Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

    1. In the early 1990s, the English rock band Genesis released one of their biggest hits, “Jesus He Knows Me”.  This song’s lyrics do nothing but attack televangelists and pastors. They mainly attack preachers who deceive their congregations (viewers) and use the name of Jesus Christ to extort ridiculous amounts of money from them.

    These lyrics, which are highly satirical, were written at the time when televangelism was becoming very popular in America and various parts of the world. Around that time, numerous prominent televangelists in the United States found themselves in scandals that had to do with conning their own followers. Most of the scam came in the form of the pastors telling their congregations that they would only receive miracles and financial breakthroughs if they gave their monies to “God”. Interestingly, many of these so called “men of God” enriched themselves with these monies meant for “God”. And as if that wan’t enough, they lived very flamboyant lifestyles with these ill gotten monies.  Is “Jesus He Knows Me” against Christianity or religions in general? Many think that this classic is an anti-religion song, but it isn’t. The song just speaks out against unscrupulous preachers and their fraudulent activities.

    2. fucking stupid americans and their bullshit TV preachers. How much does it cost to buy comfort?

    3. This song has nothing to do with atheism. This song came out around the time when there was scandals going on within some Christian churches here in the USA. While there was scandals going on in some churches, mainly in the televangelist tv programs, it certainly does not represent other Christian churches.

    4. Clearly a very bitter satirical song about religion and television evangelists who don’t “practice what they preach” but instead offer salvation for money. But this idea isn`t new. The “rotteness” of the Roman Catholic Church was at the heart of Martin Luther’s attack on it in 1517 when he wrote the “95 Theses” (->Reformation).

    5. I am a Christian and I’ve been to what I call “disfunctional churches” that take advantage of the people’s faith and take almost all of their money, energy, and time.

    Jesus is Real and his Word is so true and deep that all of them who use His name for personal purposes will have their punishment as a hinder for the truth of the Gospel to be spread and reach people. But who can deny we’ve all sinned and everyone of us will have to give account to a mighty God after this life for our deeds, good and bad. And no one of us will pass this test, if it’s not by having beien cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and having faith in Him.

    He is the only one that was born without sin. He was born, lived, died and rose from the dead without sin. He is the only salvation possible for our lives.

    May God bless everybody

    Zadanie 5. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

      1.________________ characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease.
      2.____________ a cause of great trouble or suffering.
      3._________________ a person’s buttocks or anus.
      4._________________ a member of an international order established for mutual help and fellowship, which holds elaborate secret ceremonies.
      5._________________ a thing that persuades or leads someone to do something.
      6.________________ overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.
      7.___________ a Bavarian secret society founded in 1776, organized like the Freemasons.
      8._____________________ of people: having the same status, rights, or opportunities.
      9.______________ a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

      Zadanie 6. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

      Lekcja #36 Sign of the Times – Harry Styles (2017)

      Lekcja #36 Sign of the Times – Harry Styles (2017)

      Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

      Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

      Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Sign of the Times – Harry Styles (2017)

      Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

      Just stop your _______________________
      It’s a sign of the __________________
      ______________________ to the final show
      Hope you’re wearing your best _____________
      You can’t __________ the door on your way to the sky
      You look pretty good down here
      But you ___________________ really good

      CHORUS: If we _________  learn, we been here before
      Why are we always ______________  and running from
      The bullets? 2x
      We never _________________ , we been here before
      Why are we always ____________ and running from
      The bullets? 2x

      Just stop your _____________________
      It’s a sign of the times
      We _______________________  get away from here
      We gotta get away from here
      Just stop your crying
      It’ll be _____________________
      They told me that the _____________________ is near
      We gotta get away from here

      Just stop your crying
      Have the _______________________ of your life
      Breaking through the _______________
      And things are ______________ good from here
      ___________everything will be alright
      We can meet again ________________________
      _______________________ far away from here

      CHORUS: We never learn….

      Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

      stuck, times, clothes, ain’t, learn, gotta, alright, atmosphere, pretty, somewhere, Somewhere, crying, Welcome, bribe, never, stuck, crying, end, time, Remember

      Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

        1. __________________ a metal projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other small firearm, typically cylindrical and pointed, and sometimes containing an explosive.
        2. ________________ dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one’s favour by a gift of money or other
        3. ______________ describes something that’s frozen or fixed in one place and can’t be moved.

        Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

        • Sign of the Times’ came from ‘This isn’t the first time we’ve been in a hard time, and it’s not going to be the last time.’ The song is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there’s a complication. The mother is told, ‘The child is fine, but you’re not going to make it.’ The mother has five minutes to tell the child, ‘Go forth and
        • I know this is a little morbid but I think this song is about death or something ending. I think in the song he’s saying to the person dying stop crying we can meet again somewhere (heaven) and not to worry about dying just enjoy what time you have left. I think this song could also go away for any other situations in life too where things are going bad and he’s singing that you should focus on what is happening now and enjoy it even though you may cry, overcome it, just have the time of your life.
        • It is obvious that the song is about what is going on with the planet as it pertains to Christianity and the second coming of Christ Jesus. The Illuminati / Freemasons / Satanist’s time here on Earth is coming to an end, but this group seems to have had a good run. They had it pretty good being in charge. Now they are being exposed and also freely exposing themselves. These people had it good but are not good.
        • I’ve heard that this is about the Third World War… that makes sense. Personally, I think it’s a sign of the times, the arse end of the way things are, ready for a whole new wardrobe. I mean, we have Trump, we have Europe falling apart, we have mass chaos…. the Third World War?
        • In The New York Times, Styles was asked if news events like Brexit and the tribulations of Donald Trump made their way into his songwriting. He replied: “We’re in a difficult time, and I think we’ve been in many difficult times before. Most of the stuff that hurts me about what’s going on at the moment is not politics, it’s fundamentalsEqual For everyone, all races, sexes, everything. … ?

        Zadanie 5. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

          1.________________ characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease.
          2.____________ a cause of great trouble or suffering.
          3._________________ a person’s buttocks or anus.
          4._________________ a member of an international order established for mutual help and fellowship, which holds elaborate secret ceremonies.
          5._________________ a thing that persuades or leads someone to do something.
          6.________________ overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.
          7.___________ a Bavarian secret society founded in 1776, organized like the Freemasons.
          8._____________________ of people: having the same status, rights, or opportunities.
          9.______________ a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

          Zadanie 6. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.