Lekcja #35  The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (1965)

Lekcja #35 The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (1965)

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Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (1965)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

In this __________ old part of the city
Where the sun _____________to shine
_________tell me there ain’t no use in tryin’
Now my ________, you’re so young and pretty
And one thing I ____________ is true
You’ll be _______ before your time is due, I know
Watch my ___________ in bed a-dyin’
Watched his __________ been turnin’ grey
He’s been workin’ and ______ his life away, oh yes I know it
And I’ve been ____________too, baby (yeah!)
Every ___________and day (yeah!)
We _______________ get out of this place
If it’s the ______________thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
‘Cause girl, there’s a __________ life for me and you

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

better, dirty, girl, hair, daddy, refused, dead, slavin‘, workin’ , People, night, last, gotta, know

Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

  • “We Gotta Get Out of this Place” has become a symbol of the Vietnam War. In fact, the song, recorded by the Animals, was used as the intro for the television series Tour of Duty, a dramatic series set on an American base stationed in Vietnam that ran from 1997 through 1990 when there was a resurgence of Vietnam War-themed shows and movies. At first glance, the song appears to be just that, a Vietnam War anthem demanding the U.S. government to withdraw from the Vietnam conflict.  But, at closer look, the lyrics tell a different story.  The song was written by husband and wife team Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, a productive Brill Building team that started with popular “fluffy” songs such as The Drifters’ “On Broadway” and The Crystals’ “Uptown.”  Examination of the lyrics of “We Gotta Get Out of this Place” reveals that this song really is not much different than “On Broadway” or “Uptown” in that “We Gotta Get Out of this Place” is about a young couple caught in a working-class city slum, trying to make a better life for themselves before the working-class lifestyle literally kills them, like the narrator’s father who worked himself to death at a young age.  “On Broadway” and “Uptown” also refer to finding a better life in a better place.  Although “We Gotta Get Out of this Place” resonated with soldiers deployed to Vietnam during that conflict when the song was released, the song generally is more about finding a way out to pursue a better life.  It is understandable that the song became an anthem, and arguably the most requested song on Armed Forces Radio during the Vietnam conflict.  The song clearly relates to the soldiers’ need to “get out of that place.”  But, this song is a perfect example of the numerous offerings from this time period that were not specifically written as anti-war anthems, but were successfully re-purposed as such.
  • I can easily understand why a soldier in Vietnam would sing “We Gotta Get Out of This Place,” but the song wasn’t written about Vietnam. After all ,the Animals were Englishmen, from the town of Newcastle. They were in no danger of getting drafted to fight in Vietnam! The song is about a young man who yearns to get out of the dirty, dismal, smoggy industrial town he’s growing up in. His own father is getting prematurely old and gray from working at a factory, and the young man wants no part of that life. He wants to run away with his girlfriend to somewhere they can be free and happy.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

    1. __________________ an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.

    __________________ an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again; comeback

    1. _____________ adapt for use in a different purpose.
    2. _______________ a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people.
    3. ___________________ follow or chase (sb or sth).
    4. ________________ to be expected; natural, reasonable, or forgivable.
    5. ___________________ it may be argued
    6. ________________ make or show a connection between.
    7. ____________________ a thing produced for entertainment or sale.
    8. ____________ a person who is continually moving from place to place, without any fixed home or job.
    9. _________________ of or characteristic of an affluent area or people.
    10. _____________ a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
    11. __________________ (of a leisure venue, event, etc.) given a particular theme or setting.
    12. __________________ a large open or main road.
    13. __________________ have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.
    14. ________________ select (a person or group of people) and bring them somewhere for a certain purpose; conscript (someone) for military service.
    15. _____________ causing a mood of gloom or depression.
    16. _________________ frivolous or silly; lacking depth or seriousness.
    17. ________________ work excessively hard.
    18. _________________ evoke images, memories, and emotions.
    19. ________________ move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.
    20. ___________________ before the due time; ahead of time.

    Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

    Lekcja #34  You Know I’m No Good – Amy Winehouse (2008)

    Lekcja #34 You Know I’m No Good – Amy Winehouse (2008)

    Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

    Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: You Know I’m No Good – Amy Winehouse (2008)

    Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

    Meet you downstairs in the ________ and hurt
    Your rolled up __________ in your skull T-shirt
    You say “what did you do it with him __________?”
    And____________ me out like I was Tanqueray

    ‘Cause you’re my ___________, my guy
    Hand me your _____________ and fly
    By the time I’m out the __________________
    You ___________ me down like Roger Moore


    CHORUS: I _____________ myself
                Like I _____________ I would
                I told you I was _________________
                You know that I’m no _____________


    Upstairs in _______________ with my ex-boy
    He’s in a ___________, but I can’t get joy
    Thinking on you in the final throes
    This is when my ____________ goes

    Run out to meet your chips and pita
    You say when “we’re ______________”
    ‘Cause you’re not bitter
    “There’ll be ___________ of him no more”
    I cried for you on the ______________ floor


    Sweet _____________, Jamaica and Spain
    We’re like how we were again
    I’m in the ____________, you on the seat
    Lick your lips as I _____________ my feet

    Then you notice little __________ burn
    My stomach drop and my ____________ churn
    You _____________  and it’s the worst
    Who truly ____________ the knife in first


    Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

    bar, sleeves, sniffed, fella, cheated, trouble, place, buzzer, knew, reunion, tub, guts, carpet, tear, shrug, good, soak, stuck, Stella, married, today, door, bed, none, kitchen,

    Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

    1.__________________ the stomach or belly.
    2._____________________ draw in (a scent, substance, or air) through the nose.
    3.___________________ intense or violent pain and struggle, especially accompanying birth, death, or great change.
    4.____________________ (with reference to liquid) move or cause to move about vigorously; break up the surface of (an area of ground); have an unpleasant disturbed feeling.
    5.___________________ raise (one’s shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.
    6.________________ flat, hollow, slightly leavened bread which can be split open to hold a filling
    7._______________ make or allow (something) to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid.
    8._________________ push a sharp or pointed object into or through (something).
    9.___________________ is an English brand of gin
    10.___________________ Artois (/ɑːrˈtwɑː/ ar-TWAH) is a pilsner beer, first brewed in 1926
    11.________________ a person’s boyfriend or lover;
    12.Someone who is ____________ is angry and unhappy because they cannot forget bad things that happened in the past: I feel very bitter about my childhood and all that I went through.
    13.______________________ an electrical device that makes a buzzing noise and is used for signalling.

    Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

    • This song is about a girl who can’t stick to one. She’s in love with a guy, who is also very in love with her. She’s trying so hard to stay faithful to him but she just can’t. They split up, but when she cried for him and she said she was gonna change, he decided for them to get married. And when they were married she repeated her crime, and he didn’t give her any reaction. He got so fed up with her cheating that he just shrugged his shoulders and gave her the silent treatment. And she felt worse.
    • In this brutally honest song, Winehouse confesses to a number of vices.
    • Amy uses her drug and alcohol use to justify her infidelity in a relationship. The track is quite telling of Amy’s dark and dangerous lifestyle of heavy drinking and addiction, with her extensive drinking habits ultimately leading to her demise in 2011.
    • Throughout the track, Amy paints a telling picture of her tempestuous relationship with her man. Even though she exhibits warning signs of her bad behaviour and precarious lifestyle of substance abuse and cheating, her man still takes her back and looks past all her damaging actions.

    Zadanie 5. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (pogrubiona czcionka, lub/i są podkreślone).

    1.________________ a person’s death.
    2._________________ immoral or wicked behaviour.
    3.__________________ characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.
    4.__________________ not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
    5.________________ finally; in the end.

    Zadanie 6. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

    Lekcja #33 The Times They Are A-Changin’ Bob Dylan (1964)

    Lekcja #33 The Times They Are A-Changin’ Bob Dylan (1964)

    Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

    Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: The Times They Are A-Changin’ Bob Dylan (1964)


    Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

    Come ___________ ’round people
    Wherever you __________________
    And admit that the ________________
    Around you have grown
    And accept it that soon
    You’ll be ______________ to the bone
    If your time to you is worth _________
    And you better start ______________
    Or you’ll ______________ like a stone
    For the times they are a-changin’

    Come _______________and critics
    Who ____________  with your pen
    And keep your eyes ______________
    The _____________ won’t come again
    And don’t _____________too soon
    For the wheel’s still in ___________
    And there’s no __________ who
    That it’s _______________________
    For the loser now
    Will be ___________________ to win
    For the times they are a-changin’

    Come ___________, congressmen
    Please ________________the call
    Don’t stand in the _______________
    Don’t block up the hall
    For he that gets _________________
    Will be he who has stalled
    The battle outside _____________
    Will soon _____________ your windows
    And _________________ your walls
    For the times they are a-changin’

    Come mothers and fathers
    ________________ the land
    And don’t criticize
    What you can’t ______________
    Your sons and your daughters
    Are beyond your __________________
    Your old road is rapidly _______________
    Please get out of the new one
    If you can’t ____________your hand
    For the times they are a-changin’

    The_________________ it is drawn
    The curse it is cast
    The ______________ one now
    Will later be fast
    As the ___________________ now
    Will later be past
    The order is rapidly _____________
    And the first one now
    Will later be last
    For the times they are a-changin’

    Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

    namin’, fadin’, savin’, swimmin’, tellin’, ragin‘, agin’, senators, doorway, rattle, Throughout, command, waters, sink, gather, writers, wide, spin, heed, shake, understand, lend, roam, chance, speak, later, hurt, line, present, slow, drenched, prophesize

    Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

    • During the same times of this song being recorded, The Vietnam War (1954-1975) was escalating. This war was a conflict between the communist North Vietnam versus South Vietnam and the USA. The Vietnam War is still dubbed as one of the costliest and futile wars in history; over 2 million civilians on both sides of Vietnam, around 250,000 Vietnam soldiers, and over 58,000 US military personnel paid their lives in this war. The pressures for changes in the US’s political stance in global affairs were rising.
    • On November 22, 1963, United States president John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Despite where the song drew its initial inspiration, it has a universal and timeless impact. If we look at the ‘protest’ element of the song, the world still needs societal participation in bringing much-needed changes into the world. On the other hand, ‘change’ is inevitable. Things that change for the better too shall pass at some point. On a grand scheme of things, ‘the inevitability of change is the only thing that does not change.’

    Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

    1.______________ increasing rapidly.
    2.________________ costing a lot; expensive.
    3.___________ incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
    4.________________ the attitude of a person or organization towards something; a standpoint.
    5._________________ a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to sth
    6.____________________ relating to society or social relations.
    7.__________________ certain to happen; unavoidable.
    8._______________ confess to be true or to be the case.
    9.__________ _____ ____________joining a cause; you pay attention to it and do what they suggest
    10.___________________ a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.
    11.__________________ a mould used to make an object by casting.
    12.___________________ make or cause to make a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds.
    13.______________________ feel or express violent uncontrollable anger.
    14.___________________ give an unofficial name or nickname to.
    15.____________________ move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area.
    16._________________ wet thoroughly; soak.
    17.__________________________ to predict or foretell.
    18.______________________ stop or cause to stop making progress.

    Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

    Zadanie 6. Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej?

    • Explain those lines:


    1. The curse it is cast
    2. Please heed the call
    3. And accept it that soon
      You’ll be drenched to the bone
    4. For the loser now will be later to win


    • Bob Dylan wrote this song in 1963 and this was the era of the PEACE and LOVE generation… Free spirits that would NEVER be tethered and controlled by something like the evils of Nazism, Communism or Socialism. In the 60s, Dylan could see that the times were changing, people had changed: and he favored change. Remember this was written not long after World War II. It was a time of the youth in this country being adamantly against war, divisiveness hate and injustices like racial discrimination. Young people in the 60s, if you think back to James Dean, Steve mcqueen and the young Marlon Brando: were a rebellious and outspoken bunch who were inspired to take the world by storm. If something was horribly wrong, they were out there in a protest. These are the sons and daughters that were beyond parental command, as Dylan wrote. They were the children of the war-generation and they set out to fix what the people of the world in their parents’age group screwed up. They became proactive in their own right, to try to change the times for better; a better world for themselves, and a future for their own children. They knew (collectively, most of them wearing peace symbols around their necks) a change for unity, prosperity and peace was the New Order. When Dylan says “come gather round people”, he is really speaking to the whole world, but more specifically to us in America, as world leaders to deluge the world with love, equality, our music singing praises to a free society; and a kumbaya attitude… Transforming a postwar world into a planet of peace. He is making a call for change that ALL better join the movement of the Peacemaker-Flower Children. The whole action of the 60s was about movements and protests, to right the wrongs

    A kind of mantra in those days was ‘don’t trust anyone over 30’. This made the older generation sort of a quasi-enemy. They looked on the youth of the 60s as a bunch of pot-smoking, rock and roll or folk music; free- love, hippies. The people over 30 criticized this Peace-Love generation, and even did so in the Press; calling the Baby Boomers degenerates and losers.


    • Yes, he was right, the times were changing.  I just wish that change had had less to do with rampant capitalism and religious fundamentalism and more to do with humanity, honesty and perhaps most of all, trying to be a decent sort of bloke in a world gone wrong.
    • Just under two years after he had written the song, Dylan did an interview with the English pop/rock/jazz/blues weekly, “Melody Maker” as said, “It was nothing to do with age or parents… This is what it was, maybe – a bitterness towards authority – the type of person who sticks his nose down and doesn’t take you seriously, but expects you to take him seriously.”


    1. _________________ tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement.
    2. ___________________ in a way that suggests one will not be persuaded to change one’s mind; firmly and resolutely (in an admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering manner).
    3. __________________ a tendency to cause disagreement or hostility between people.
    4. __________________ a group of people.
    5. ____________________ apparently but not really; seemingly.
    6. ____________________ inhalation of smoke or vapors released by heating the flowers, leaves, or extracts of cannabis
    7. ___________________ /dɪˈdʒɛn(ə)rət/ an immoral or corrupt person.
    8. ____________________ a person born during a baby boom 
    9. ______________ (especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.


    • “A-“ before a verb was a prefix quite common in 16th C. English. It is still, today, quite common in Appalachian English, in the US, which is where Dylan no doubt took his influence.

    It can mean “engaged in”, as in “He’s a-runnin! And fast!”, or “She’s a-birth, and there’s no point in hoping she’ll not.”

    It can also mean “motion to, into”, as in “I’m going a-long”, “I’m going a-bout”, “I’m going a-round”, “I’m going a-breast”.

    Lekcja #32 Yes – Owner Of A Lonely Heart (1983)

    Lekcja #32 Yes – Owner Of A Lonely Heart (1983)

    Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

    Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Yes – Owner Of A Lonely Heart (1983)

    Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

    __________  yourself

    You always live your life

    Never thinking of the __________________

    __________  yourself

    You are the ___________ you __________________

    Take your chances, win or ________________

    ____________ yourself

    You are the _____________  you take

    You and you, and that’s the only way

    ____________ , ___________  yourself

    You’re every ____________ you ______________

    So the ________________ goes


    CHORUS: Owner of a lonely heart

                    Owner of a lonely heart

                    (Much _____________ than a)

                    Owner of a _______________ heart

                    Owner of a lonely heart


    Say, you don’t want to____________ it

    You’ve been _____________so before

    ___________________ it now

    The ______________ in the sky

    How he dancin’ one and only

    You, ______________ yourself

    No not for pity’s sake

    There’s no real _______________ to be lonely

    Be yourself

    Give your __________ ____________ a chance

    You’ve got to want to _________________


    After my own __________________

    They confused me so

    Owner of a lonely heart

    My love said never ______________ your will at all

    In the end you’ve got to go

    Look before you leap

    Owner of a lonely heart

    And don’t you ______________ at all, no no

    Sooner or later each conclusion will decide the lonely heart

    It will excite, it will delight

    It will give a better start

    Don’t deceive your free will at all

    Just receive it

    Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

    question, better, reason, free will, hurt, loser, lose, succeed, chance, hesitate, indecision , future, steps, eagle, move (x2), Prove, make (x2), broken, See, shake, story, Watch

    Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

    • The song meaning is clarified by the video. The video script/screenplay is an adaption of the Franz Kafka novel “The Trial”. The script remains faithful to the novel till the very last scene, where in typical Yes fashion we have a happy ending. This is not a betrayal of the novel as Kafka postulates the alternative ending anyway and Yes have simply taken him up on it. The Kafka novel starts with an ordinary guy with an ordinary job leading an ordinary life being arrested. He is told that he is on trial and , to cut a long story short, his sentence is death. In other words, this guy “goes with the flow” and does not question the world around him. The first couple of verses have Yes admonishing this bloke and urging him to make up his own mind about things and take control of his life. Following verses do much the same thing. “Give your free will a chance etc.”. It’s difficult for me to keep explaing the meaning of the song as it is so directly tied to the clip and the novel…I would give away the punchline(s) of the book and ruin it for those who would read it. Sufficient to say that the song is a great piece of music and the lyrics open up worlds to those who care to follow it through. See the clip, read the book and the lyrics will have another level of meaning.
    • Trust your will, your authentic will, no matter what. Keep moving forward with confidence. Trust yourself and your instincts. Full awareness. Trust i seek and i find in you – nothing else matters. What can be confusing about the song is the weak distortions of the ego during the chorus saying ‘much better than – a’ versus the soul’s will to action in the rest of the song. Not unlike our own minds. Great song and video. Yes diehards might not like it, but its great nonetheless.
    • I think this song is about a guy who is kind of a downer and he’s mad that he’s not achieving any success, but is unwilling to put himself out there in order to achieve it, using the excuse that “an owner of a lonely heart is better than an owner of a broken heart”.
    • He is an eagle in spirit, his enemies are the evil creatures which try to attack him. They represent the evil thoughts or influences that attack each one of us. But an eagle can not only defeat these creatures in the natural, it can also fly away to escape them. His problems are all brought on by his conformist mindset, and to be free he needs to go his own way, “follow his own will” or the will of God. and become the true eagle inside, his true self, or what God has created him to be.
    • I was thinking the chorus, “Owner of a lonely heart, much better than the owner of a broken heart”, means… Following your dreams and taking the road less traveled and NOT going with the flow, would be a lonelier road, therefore you would be the “Owner Of A Lonely Heart”, but it would be “much better than the owner of a broken heart”, which is what you would get, if you don’t go for what you want in life. Wasting a life following all the “shoulds” of life and the path laid out for you by the expectations of others.

    Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

    1. _________________________________________ used to express impatience or make an urgent appeal.
    2. ________________________ pause in indecision before saying or doing something.
    3. ______________________________ the inability to make a decision quickly.
    4. ______________________________ the action of giving a misleading account or impression.
    5. ____________________________ a person who strongly opposes change or who continues to support something in spite of opposition.
    6.___________________ in spite of that; nevertheless.
    7.____________ ______ ____________ be relaxed and accept a situation, rather than trying to alter or control it.
    8.__________________ great pleasure

    Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

    Lekcja #31 Bruce Dickinson – Tears Of The Dragon (1994)

    Lekcja #31 Bruce Dickinson – Tears Of The Dragon (1994)

    Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

    Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Bruce Dickinson – Tears Of The Dragon (1994)

    Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

    For too long now, there were ______________ in my mind

    For too long now, there were _______________  I should have said

    In the ____________…I was ______________ for the door

    To find a _______________ – to find the time, the place, the hour


    Waiting for the ______________ sun, and the cold ______________ of day

    The misty ghosts of _________________  fears

    The ______________ is building, and I can’t stay away


    CHORUS: I _____________  myself into the sea

                    Release the _______________, let it_______________ over me

                    To face the _______________ I once believed

                    The tears of the __________________, for you and for me


    Where I was, I had ______________ that couldn’t fly

    Where I was, I had tears I couldn’t ___________________

    My emotions _________________  in an icy lake

    I couldn’t feel them until the ____________ began to break

    I have no _____________ over this, you know I’m ______________

    The __________________ I built are crumbling

    The ________________ is moving, I’m slipping away

    Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

    ice, pressure, power, reason, fear, water, secrets, dragon, winter, frozen, darkness, wings, childhood, stumbling, throw, wave, cry, walls, things, light, wash, afraid

    Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

    • Bruce himself about this song: “This is a song that I wrote when I left Iron Maiden, and it’s about fear, it’s about doubt, and it’s about trying to conquer the bullshit that’s in your life.
    • It’s about “smashing through” a sad or difficult situation in order to be able to move on with your life. The thing about the dragon tears refers to the intensity of the negative situation that is to be overcome; in the sense that if it can make a dragon cry, it must be pretty bad.
    • This is a song about uh, about being shit scared of change, the unknown, all that stuff
    • I seem to recall that this is about a guy who’s trying to get over the past so he can go on with the future. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I listen to this song.
    • It was very close after leaving Maiden for the meanings not to be looked for. I guess he felt he had to get a lot off his chest which was clearly a success now that he’s back in the best metal band ever where he belongs
    • I am a member of A. , a 12 step program. When this song was released I was going through my 4th step (which is about making a list of all things that were bad and good in my life). This song means to me giving up my addictions, facing my fears and embracing a new way to live, (being cleansed by the tears of the dragon as they wash over me). Thank You Bruce for creating something that expresses what I went through at a pivotal time in my life!!
    • Unbelievable mumbo jumbo.. yeah right, sure it’s a song about how he felt when he left maiden, blah, and hell yeah these are tears of man (LOL), he mentions dragon as for a symbol not for a nonsense replacement for a man…

    Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

    1. ________________________ nonsense, gibberish, rubbish
    2. _______________________________ stupid or untrue talk or writing; nonsense.
    3._________________ the front surface of a person’s body between the neck and the stomach.
    4.____________________ Cocaine Anonymous World Services A Guide to the 12 Steps
    5. __________________ of crucial importance in relation to the development or success 6.____________________ a person or thing that takes the place of another.
    7.__________________ take control of (a place or people) by military force.
    8. ________________________ succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty)
    9. ______________ ____________to break [one’s way] through some sort of barrier.
    10.__________________ strength, power, powerfulness, potency, vigour, force
    11. ____________ ___________ extremely frightened, (with) your heart in your mouth
    12. ________________ an idiomatic expression that means you are anxious and have a nervous feeling in your _________. Here’s an example: I used to get __________ before school tests.
    13. _______________ bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one’s mind; remember.
    14. ______________________________ allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.
    15. ______________________________ hazy, foggy, cloudy
    16.___________________________ depart without saying goodbye; leave quietly; slowly disappear; die peacefully (used euphemistically).
    17. ________________ breaking or falling apart into small fragments, as part of a deterioration
    18. _________________ tripping or losing balance while walking; moving with difficulty.
    19. _________________ exceptional, unique, singular, rare, unprecedented
    20. ______________ _________________ beneficial qualities; the capacity for recovery.

    Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

    Zadanie 6. Chcesz wiedzieć więcej?

    Tigers usually symbolize strength and power. In mythology, dragon/tiger tears have unparallelled healing powers, so it refers to being healed of the hurt suffered.

    DISCUSSION: Do you agree with this statement: Society generally discourages people from crying, but sadness, which is different from weakness, is ok to feel.

    Bruce Dickinson: Why I Left Iron Maiden in 1993

    • “When I left Maiden, I was pretty hard on I said, ‘This whole setup is a limitation. It’s a lovely golden cage that’s comfortable and earns loads of money and I could go on recycling our identity, but I don’t want to do that. The only way I’m gonna find out what’s beyond and grow as a singer is to do something different. And the only way I’m gonna get taken seriously, is to leave.’
    • “I realized when you’re in Iron Maiden, everyone blows smoke up your ass. In the ’80s, when you’re in a big band, you have publicists and all kinds of people to protect you.
    • “As soon as you leave the bubble, everybody goes, ‘You know, I always just wanted to kick that guy in the nuts!’ It’s open season! That’s what happened to me. It was a shock.
    • “But, at the same time, I was like, ‘Well, this is why you did it.’ You step outside the box to find out what’s outside the box. You just have to take it on the chin and go, ‘Move on. This is evolution. This is Darwinism. It is survival of the fittest and if you can’t evolve into something that has a useful function, slink away and die.'”
    • The singer added: “You basically throw yourself to the universe and say, ‘Okay, should I really exist as a singer? Is there anything useful I’m bringing to the world by being in a heavy metal band other than nostalgia?’
    • “Because if that’s all it is, maybe I should just take that person and quietly strangle him and go do something more useful instead.
    • “If you want to be an artist, you can’t be resting on your laurels. You’ve got to be out there doing something different.
    • “I didn’t know what to do, which is why I left. I think people assumed when I left that I had a plan. Nope. No plan. Which I think the guys in the band found really hard to understand.
    • Explaining how he feared at the time that Maiden would fall into irrelevance, Bruce added: “Plowing the same furrow would maybe be the term. The audience would probably be happy with that, although it would slowly diminish.
    • “The band would become less relevant and gradually turn into a blob with the rest of the metal community. That’s not what I wanted.
    • “I learned so much when I was out of the band. I was a way better singer when I came back to Maiden [in 1999] than when I left.
    • Consequently, the album we did when I came back, [2000’s] ‘Brave New World,’ I think is one of our classic records of all time. That was because all the energy was back. Everything in the band changed at that point.
    • “Before I’d left, there’d always been these little power struggles. When I came back, it was much more honest. People always say, ‘Maiden is like a family,’ like a family is a good thing.
    • “But families aren’t necessarily good things. A happy family is a great thing, but families are just random events that happen. That organisms pop out of the same hole, that’s no reason why they should like each other, in truth.
    • “All this ‘Blood is thicker than water’ … sorry guys, if your brother is an asshole, he’s an asshole!”
    • Bruce concluded: “We’re probably more friends now than we ever have been. We’re a band of brothers born out of the same mother, which is Iron Maiden. The mother ship gave birth to our relationship. We all accept that now.
    • “My loyalty is not to Steve, Adrian, or Janick. It’s to Iron Maiden and on that basis we have a great relationship. It means that we forgive each other, all of our little trespasses, if you want to use the Lord’s Prayer.
    • “I think it’s the same for everybody in the band, like, ‘Nu uh, it’s about Maiden, stupid.'”

    1. __________________ harsh punishment (or remedy) for acting foolishly or malevolently
    2._______________________ to be satisfied with your achievements and not to make an effort to do anything else
    3________________________ the action or process of converting waste into reusable material.
    4._________________________ a place where someone appears to live in luxury but where he or she has very little freedom.
    5._____________________ decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract
    6.__________________ the way in which something, especially an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged.
    7.__________________ as a result.
    8.___________________ one person is complimenting another, insincerely most of the time, in order to inflate the ego of the individual being flattered.
    9.________________ to live in an isolated environment, usually of your own choice but then to decide to leave it
    10.____________________ accept misfortune courageously or stoically.
    11.________________ squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.
    12._______________ to do the same thing someone else does (eg. your parent)
    13. __________________ an indeterminate roundish mass or shape; an object, especially a large one, having no distinct shape or definition; a dull, slow-witted, and uninteresting person.
    14. ______________ a situation in which two or more people or groups compete for control in a particular sphere.
    15._______________ a large spacecraft or ship from which smaller craft are launched or maintained.
    16.____________________ enter someone’s land or property without permission; commit an offence against (a person or a set of rules).
    17.____________________ made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.
    18._______________________ PROVERB: family relationships and loyalties are the strongest and most important ones.
    19. __________________ a limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction.
    20.___________________ the prayer taught by Christ to his disciples, beginning ‘Our Father’.
    21. _______________ Not true. Not at all; it’s not happening.
    22. _______________ Depart furtively (=in a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively.); behave so as to escape attention