Lekcja #25 Don’t you want me – The Human League (1981)

Lekcja #25 Don’t you want me – The Human League (1981)

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Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Don’t you want me – The Human League (1981)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

You were workin’ as a ________in a _________bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up and turned you around
Turned you into _____________________ new
Now __________ years later on, you’ve got the world at your __________
________________ has been so easy for you
But don’t forget, it’s ______________ who put you where you are now
And I can put you _______________ too


Don’t, don’t you _______________ me?
You know I can’t believe it when I hear that you won’t _____________ me
Don’t, don’t you ________________ me?
You know I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t ________me
It’s much too late to find
You think you’ve changed your ______________
You’d better change it back or we will ______________ be sorry

Don’t you _______me, baby? Don’t you ________ me?

I was working as a ______________ in a _________________ bar
That much is _____________________
But even then, I knew I’d find a much _________ place
________________ with or without you
The____________ years we have had have been such good times
I still love you
But now, I think it’s time I live my__________________on my own
I ______________ it’s just what I must do

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

Either, back down, life, five, waitress, true, both, want (x5), see, someone, feet, need, Success, me, better, guess, mind, cocktail

Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

  • I always think of the male character in the song as being someone like Andy Warhol – not necessarily a lover, but an impresario with a lot of cultural influence and self-importance, who “discovers” people and has the power to promote them to superstardom or tell everyone they’re washed up.
  • Secretly Horrifying Song Lyrics: It’s not innocent or melancholy at all; it’s vicious and angry! It turned my entire world upside down, and I’m worried that it’s going to ruin a fun, wistful pop song forever. As such, it MUST undergo a thorough, line-by-line analysis. If nothing else, this will help me pass on my disturbed feeling to you, the reader. When we’re done, I’ll give it an official rating on the Horrifying Scale and we’ll all assume the fetal position. “I picked you out, I shook you up and turned you around, turned you into someone new” Nope. He’s a dick. Five lines in, and he’s already a confirmed dick. He’s saying she was nothing before she met him, basically just a sex object, until he came along with his big savior complex and rescued her from the lesser men that make up the cocktail bar landscape. To be fair, men who go to cocktail bars to ogle the waitresses are definitely lesser in the eyes of God and Man. But wait, why was the narrator in the cocktail bar in the first place??? To pick up waitresses by promising to make them famous? New layers of creepy! It’s a “a nasty song about sexual power politics. Did you notice the part above where he seemed really, really dangerous? I don’t often use the phrase “intent on harm,” but it feels like this guy may be intent on harm.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

  1. _____________________- give in, surrender
  2. changed your _____________- changed your original opinion, choice, or plan
  3. _________________ /ˈʌɪðə,ˈiːðə/ – used before the first of two (or occasionally more) given alternatives (the other being introduced by ‘or’).
  4. ____________________ an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.
  5. ___________________- estimate without sufficient information to be sure of being correct; calculate, hypothesize, postulate, predict, speculate
  6. ____________________- a woman whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant
  7. _____________- two people (or things) together
  8. ___________________- antonyms: false
  9. __________- if something that has changedchanges back, it returns to how it was originally
  10. _________________- a group people for mutual protection or cooperation (alliance, federation, union, association, corporation)
  11. ________________ stare at in a lecherous manner.
  12. ________________ a person who saves someone or something from danger or difficulty.
  13. _________________________ the state of being extremely famous and successful
  14. ___________________no longer effective or successful
  15. ______________ deliberately cruel or violent.
  16. ______________ relating to an unborn or unhatched offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human more than eight weeks after conception.
  17. jealous– feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.
  18. blackmail /ˈblakmeɪl/ – 1. force (sb) to do something by using threats or manipulating their feelings. 2. demand money or another benefit from (sb) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.

Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

Lekcja #24 Beautiful Tango – Hindi Zahra (2010)

Lekcja #24 Beautiful Tango – Hindi Zahra (2010)

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Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Beautiful Tango – Hindi Zahra (2010)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

Beautiful Tango, __________ me by the ___________
Beautiful Tango,_______________ you make me dance
How ______________ it can be if you make me dance?
How_____________ will it last, baby if we dance?

Come to the, come to the ______________ (2x)
And baby let me _______________  you things
Cause time is _______________  and we can loose,
Baby come and dance we ____________ make it threw
__________ we’ve got time, Yes we’ve got time

Beautiful ______________, don’t want to know your name
Beautiful stranger, just want to take your ___________
How ______________it can be if you make me dance?
How_________________ will it last, baby if we dance?

Come to the _________  where the skin speaks
A secret words in ____________
Where the night____________ the lights of day

For us to show some ____________

So don’t go if you wanna know, Don’t go if you don’t know, don’t go (2x)

Beautiful stranger, take me by the hand
Make me dance all _______________
I ___________ take the chance
I love the way you ________________
And the way you put your hands on my ______________
Are moving while you take it _____________
Makes me feel like I’m on a ___________ flow
Cause we’ve got _________________
And yes we’ve got time

Beautiful stranger, I wanna loose my _________
Beautiful stranger, in the depth of your ____________
Beautiful stranger, oh oh oh oh
I ________ (3x) your sweet music, sweet sweet sweet music, sweet music rising

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

running, until, hips, courage, move, sweet, show, take, long, world, stranger, place, Spanish, night, hand, Cause, turns out, wanna, slow, river, gonna, hand, mind, eyes, remember, time

Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

“I dream the arrangements and vocals; the melodies tend to come of their own volition without any great effort on my part. I work instinctively, without putting anything down in writing.” – Hindi Zahra

Zahra loves to tell stories—but only about her own lived experience—in her music. She has garnered comparisons to Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin, and Patti Smith. With a little bit of blues, jazz, and unorthodox folk, Zahra has arranged her entire debut album herself. Zahra will be making waves during October’s CMJ festival in New York. We caught up with the up-and-coming artist on the influence of movie music, the steps for creating songs and why she chose to sing in English for most of her album.

INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCES: It’s a mix of different music, because I was born in Morocco and we are used to listening to a lot of different kinds of music—especially to cinema and TV, because we had a lot of Egyptian films, but also Indian films and also Hollywood films. Jazz, rock, Oriental, too. It’s Africa. We have all the African music. So, I really get focused on black music coming from America, Oriental music coming from Egypt and also from south Morocco; it’s the Desert Blues, what we call the “rock of the desert.”

BEING HONORED BY COMPARISONS: The first one was Billie Holiday, but I thought that it was too much. First, because I heard a lot of Ella Fitzgerald more than Billie Holiday. Also, because the voice of Billie Holiday is tortured. It’s a voice that you can feel all of the things that she’s done to her body. So, I didn’t think we had the same voice, but I was very honored for that comparison. After the concert, people wanted to compare me to Janis Joplin, which I am so surprised about, because I don’t listen to Janis Joplin at all. And I don’t think I sound like her, but it’s the mystery of it. People hear something in my music. The most beautiful one was, I think, the “African Patti Smith.” It was when we played in London.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

1.____________________ gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).
2.__________________ cause great mental suffering or anxiety to.
3.____________________ the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
4._____________________ a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.
5.___________________ of, from, or characteristic of Asia, especially East Asia.
6.________________ a person’s hip joint.
7.____________________ the faculty or power of using one’s will.
8.____________________ without conscious thought; by natural instinct.
9._______________ succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one; talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing.
10._____________________ something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.
11.___________________ a waterless, desolate area of land with little or no vegetation, typically one covered with sand.

Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

Lekcja #23 Usa For Africa – We Are The World (1985)

Lekcja #23 Usa For Africa – We Are The World (1985)

Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Usa For Africa – We Are The World (1985)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

There comes a time

When we heed a____________ call

When the __________ must come ___________as one

There are __________________dying

Oh, and it’s time to _________ __ __________ to life

The greatest________________ of all


We can’t go on

Pretending _______  ___ ________,

That someone, somewhere soon make a ____________

We’re all a part of God’s great big ___________

And the __________, you know, _________ is all we need


CHORUS: We are the ____________

                   We are the ___________

We are the ones who make a ___________ day, so let’s start giving

There’s a ___________ we’re making

We’re saving our own lives

It’s ___________  we’ll make a __________ day, just you and me


Oh, send them your ____________

So they know that someone ________________

And their lives will be ________________  and free

As ___________ has shown us by turning __________  to bread

And so we all must _________ a helping ___________


When you’re down and out, there seems no ___________at all

But if you just ____________ there’s no way we can fall

Well, well, well, well let us realize

Oh, that a ____________ can only come

When we stand ___________ as one, yeah, yeah, yeah

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

change (2x), certain, lend a (…) hand (2x), heart , day-by-day, truth, love, people , together (2x), gift, world (2x), choice, better, brighter, stronger, stones, children, hope, family, true, cares, God, believe

Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

    • Before the writing of “We Are the World”, American entertainer and social activist Harry Belafonte had thought for some time to have a song recorded by the most well-known artists in the music industry at the time. He planned to have the proceeds donated to a new organization called United Support of Artists for Africa (USA for Africa). The non-profit foundation would then feed and relieve starving people in Africa, specifically Ethiopia, where around one million people died during the country’s 1983–1985 famine (A widespread famine affected Ethiopia from 1983 to 1985. The worst famine to hit the country in a century, it left 1.2 million dead. 400,000 refugees left the country, and 2.5 million people were internally displaced. Almost 200,000 children were orphaned.)
    • Jackson revealed to Richie that he not only wanted to sing the song, but to participate in its writing as well. To begin with, “We Are the World” was to be written by Jackson, Richie, and Wonder. As Wonder had limited time to work on the project, due to writing songs from the film The Woman in Red, Jackson and Richie proceeded to write it themselves. They began creating the song at the Jackson family home. For a week, the two spent every night working on lyrics and melodies in Jackson’s bedroom. They knew that they wanted a song that would be easy to sing and memorable. The pair wanted to create an anthem. Jackson’s older sister La Toya watched the two work on the song, and later contended that Richie only wrote a few lines for the track. She stated that her younger brother wrote 99% of the lyrics, “but he’s never felt it necessary to say that”.
    • Humanitarian aid: Four months after the release of “We Are the World”, USA for Africa had taken in almost $10.8 million (equivalent to $25 million today). The majority of the money came from record sales within the US. Members of the public also donated money—almost $1.3 million within the same time period. In May 1985, USA for Africa officials estimated that they had sold between $45 million and $47 million worth of official merchandise around the world. Organizer Ken Kragen announced that they would not be distributing all of the money at once. Instead, he revealed that the foundation would be looking into finding a long-term solution for Africa’s problems. “We could go out and spend it all in one shot. Maybe we’d save some lives in the short term but it would be like putting a Band-Aid over a serious wound.” Kragen noted that experts had predicted that it would take at least 10 to 20 years to make a slight difference to Africa’s long-term problems.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

1.__________________pay attention to; take notice of.
2._______________/ˈanθəm/ a musical setting of a religious text to be sung by a choir during a church service, especially in Anglican or Protestant Churches.
3._____________ worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual.
4._________________ hymn, song of praise, chorale, psalm, paean
5.______________ dry spell, dry period, lack of rain, shortage of water
6.________________ unforgettable, catchy, haunting
7._______________ pay attention to, take notice of
8.________________ goods, wares, stock, commodities, produce, product
9.________________ a child whose parents are dead.
10.______________ a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
11.________________ goods to be bought and sold; branded products used to promote a film, pop group, etc., or linked to a fictional character;
12._____________________ a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
13._____________________ the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance. “the major contribution of social scientists to the understanding of political life”
14.________________________/wiːt/ a cereal which is the most important kind grown in temperate countries, the grain of which is ground to make flour for bread, pasta, pastry, etc.
15.____________________/ˈflaʊə/ a powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.
16.__________________ during the course of a journey; on the way.
17._____________________ goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.

Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

Lekcja #22  Billy Joel – Just The Way You Are (1977)

Lekcja #22 Billy Joel – Just The Way You Are (1977)

Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Billy Joel – Just The Way You Are (1977)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

Don’t go changing to try and __________  me

You never ________ me _________ before

Don’t imagine you’re too __________

And I don’t see you ____________


I wouldn’t _______ you in times of_____________

We never could have come this far

I took the ________ times; I’ll take the ______ times

I’ll _________ you just the way you are


Don’t go trying some new ___________

Don’t __________ the color of your hair

You always have my ____________ passion

Although I might not seem to ___________


I don’t want ________  conversation

I never want to __________ that hard

I just want _________ that I can talk to

I ____________ you just the way you are


I _________to know that you will always be

The same old ___________ that I knew

What will it take till you ________ in me

The way that I _________ in you?


I said I love you and that’s _________

And this I _________ from the heart

I could not love you any ___________

I ___________you just the way you are

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

promise , trouble, bad , please, let (…)down, anymore, familiar, good, better, fashion, unspoken, clever, someone (2x), forever, leave, take, change, care, work, want, need, believe (2x), love

Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

  1. Joel wrote this song about his first wife, Elizabeth. A pure expression of unconditional love, he gave it to her as a birthday present. Sadly, after nine years of marriage, Joel and Elizabeth divorced in 1982. Joel’s next two marriages didn’t work out either: he was married to Christie Brinkley from 1985-1994, and to Katie Lee from 2004-2010. “Every time I wrote a song for a person I was in a relationship with, it didn’t last,” Joel said. “It was kind of like the curse. Here’s your song – we might as well say goodbye now.”
  2. This song is about the ideal someone. The person you fall so deeply in love with. The person you want to stay up all night with just talking and getting to know. The person you know who may not be the prettiest or most handsome but it is their inner beauty that make them your special someone. So, you don’t want them to think they need to change and in fact you don’t want them to change a thing. This love will stand the test of time as you both grow old. They will still be the person you want to share your life with.
  3. I love ole Billy as much as the next middle-aged guy, but this song is hilariously douchey and passive-aggressive. It speaks volumes about how much gender relations have evolved since the seventies. Back when it was released, it probably meant “Hey babe, I’m so easygoing and awesome, let’s have sex”. Nowadays it sounds more like “I’m an abulic slob who hates change, so don’t bother trying to improve one bit because I sure as hell won’t. Oh, and don’t you even THINK of freaking AGING on me.”
  4. The Need For Acceptance In Relationships: The word ‘acceptance’ can have so many different connotations when used in terms of human behaviour and experience. No matter how important we know it to be in almost every aspect of relationships, there still remains that strong part of our nature that is loathed to settle for anything less than perfect. We strive to get exactly what we want, to be exactly who we want and we like to only involve people who we deem worthy of our time and efforts.  Acceptance and perfection can reside at completely different ends of the needs spectrum and this is why we have to be really clear on which we value most and the impact that it has on our lives. Whilst it’s crucial to accept that nobody is perfect, including yourself, there is another end of the spectrum to stay alert to and that’s ‘over acceptance’, otherwise known as settling.  Knowing what your end goal is for any situation or relationship, will make you way more savvy in reaching your full potential, so be ultra mindful to not play fast and loose with the things that really are significant to you.  For example, you may indeed find that you’re able to balance your active lifestyle with a partner’s who is more of a homebody.  Ultimately however, if you want a life filled with trekking holidays and cycling tours then you need to double check your choices.  Is accepting someone who’s so different to your dream of a passionate and adventurous life really such a good option for you? 

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

1._______________ not expressed in speech; tacit.
2.________________ obnoxious or contemptible (typically used of a man or his behaviour).
3.____________ suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions; neurotic, psychoneurotic. affected with emotional disorder.
4.__________________ a person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness.
5._______________ ________________ of or denoting a type of behaviour or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation.
6.______________ a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.
7._____________ not subject to any conditions.
8._____________ a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behaviour.
9.____________ feel intense dislike or disgust for.
10._____________ be situated.
11._______________ shrewdness and practical knowledge; the ability to make good judgements.
12. ___________________ a person who likes to stay at home, especially one who is perceived as unadventurous.

Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.

Lekcja #21  Jump – The Pointer Sisters (1983)

Lekcja #21 Jump – The Pointer Sisters (1983)

Zadanie 0. Wydrukuj plik PDF, który znajdziesz pod tym linkiem, lub kontynuuj on-line.

Pobierz plik z darmową lekcją w PDF: Jump – The Pointer Sisters (1983)

Zadanie 1. Wysłuchaj piosenki z youtube jednocześnie czytając tekst. O czym mówią słowa?

Your__________ tell me how you ___________ me
I can ___________ it in your heart beat
I know you like what you ________________
Hold me, I’ll ____________ all that you need
Wrap your love _____________me
You’re so ____________, I can feel you
Getting hotter, oh baby

I’ll take you down, I’ll take you down
Where no one’s ever gone _______________
And if you want more, if you want more, more, more, then

CHORUS: Jump for my love
                                               Jump in and _______ my touch
Jump if you want to____________ my kisses
In the night then

Jump, jump for my love
Jump, I know my ________ can make you ____________
Jump in, you know these ______________
Can feel you up
Jump, you want to _____________ my kisses
In the night then
Jump, jump for my love


You told me, I’m the only __________ for you
____________ does you like I do
Then ____________ a move before you try and
Go much farther, oh baby
You are the one, you are the one
And ___________ waits here at my door
And if you want more,
If you want more, more, more then

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w piosence słowami poniżej.

feel, taste (2x), heart, woman, heaven, happy, arms, want, feel, give, around, before, excited, eyes, see, Nobody, make

Zadanie 3. Przeczytaj komentarze. Czy zgadzasz się z nimi?

  • A hit in the summer of 1984, this energetic love song got a nice boost[1] from the 1984 Summer Olympics, which were held in Los Angeles. The video showed various leaping athletes competing in events like the long jump, high jump and triple jump.
  • The Pointer Sisters made some of the most popular soul dance records of the first half of the 1980s. The lead singer on many of their most dynamic performances was June Pointer, the youngest of the four sisters, who has died of cancer aged 52.

She was born in Oakland, California, the youngest of six children. Her parents were ministers[2] of the West Oakland Church of God where their offspring sang in the choir, but at home they enforced a strict ban on dancing, listening to the radio and secular music. Nevertheless, the children would wait till their parents left the house and, as June told an interviewer in 1981, “get in the back room and beat pie pans with spoons, making that rhythm and jamming together”.

The punishment for doing what Elton Pointer called “the devil’s work” was a whipping[3]. Despite (or because of) this, June and her sister Bonnie began to perform in the nightclubs of San Francisco in the late 1960s.

The Pointers “weren’t the typical black women singers. They were very independent-minded and they shopped at thrift[4] shops and had a whole ’40s look”. That look, with floral dresses, feather boas and wide-brimmed[5] hats brought frequent television appearances.

Throughout her career, June had been a heavy user of drugs and alcohol and in 2000 she told People magazine that drugs had been part of her life since the age of 13 and in the mid-1970s she had suffered a nervous breakdown. At the time of the interview, June had conquered her addiction but soon relapsed and was expelled from the group in 2003. Her replacement was Ruth’s daughter Issa.

Subsequently, June was arrested for drug possession and assault on her boyfriend. She was sentenced to 18 months in rehab last year, but in February she suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with the cancer that killed her. She is survived by her mother, her sisters and two brothers.


[1] help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.

[2] a member of the clergy, especially in the Presbyterian and Nonconformist Churches.

[3] a thrashing or beating with a whip or similar implement.

[4] the quality of using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.

[5] fill something so completely that it almost overflows.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij definicje słowami, które są wyróżnione (na grubo). Słowa mogą być w tekście piosenki, lub w komentarzach.

1. __________________ different from one another; of different kinds or sorts.
2. _______________ a person’s child or children.
3. ________________ jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.
4. _______________ (of a sick or injured person) deteriorate after a period of improvement.
5. _______________ officially make (someone) leave a school or other organization.
6. ________________ make a physical attack on.
7. _______________ a course of treatment for drug or alcohol dependence, typically at a residential facility.
8. ________________ compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
9. _______________ officially prevent (someone) from doing something.
10. ___________________ in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.
11. ______________ improvise with other musicians, especially in jazz or blues.
12. ________________ the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offence.

Zadanie 5. Posłuchaj piosenki jeszcze raz zastanawiając się: o czym ona jest? Możesz teraz zauważyć, na ile twoje pierwsze wrażenie po odsłuchaniu piosenki były słuszne.